Friday, January 19, 2007

What a disappointing weather BOMB

The Weather
For two days our weather network has been predicting a weather BOMB to hit the east coast. That means to me... no school for me, tons of snow, and the in ability to go out for days... Well, that's what happened the last time we had a weather bomb, which we fondly call "White Juan".
Well, we have had a bomb, but its rain.. rain.. rain. That doesn't stop school from happening, it doesn't trap you in your house for 3 days, so you can't go out. It doesn't make you feel all warm and cozy with the only activity you can do is snuggle under a blanket and read or snooze. Those are all my fond memories of White Juan. Rain.. it flattens your hair, it fills up our ditch which then threatens our basement... it makes you cold when you look out the window and it certainly doesn't cancel school. It make all the recesses indoor recesses... which feels like you have just trapped 500 buzzing bees into a small box, just whirling and vibrating to get out!!! ugh... Weather BOMB... weather fizzle.

My Blog
I have a counter now on my blog. I think that is too cool. I have had 52 hits so far, and no comments. So I looked at my settings and it doesn't allow anyone to comment if your not a blogger.... but i fixed that. now anyone can comment. Not that you have to, but now you can if you want to. Or better yet... start your own blog... it a neat way to communicate.

My kids
Mick and Scott are off to a hockey game in Antigonish tonight to watch a "bulldogs" game. Andrew Maxwell is playing in it, and Cricket, Neil and Lindsay will be there to watch so Mick will get a little visit from home. Grampa got a nice parcel from Michelle to day with a pair of light jogging pants and a cd of audiobooks stories. Oh, and two nice dog bones for Mollie. Or for Grampa, we are not sure. Stephanie is in the middle of MY weather BOMB. Tons of snow since the middle of the night. They have had schools cancelled, buses taken off the road and malls closed. I am thoroughly jealous... speaking of stephanie... Stephanie has a new boyfriend... who is really an old friend... turned new boyfriend. Sean and Stephanie have been friends for at least 4 years ( I think) and roommates, on and off, for at least 3 years and now have decided to try out the dating twist on things. I am very happy for Stephanie and a little scared for Sean!! I thought I had a picture of the two of them on my couch at Christmas but I can't find it on my camera. How lucky am I to have two really cool kids but now I have two really awesome boyfriend kids.. I am not sure what ya call them... but I am happy with the name "boyfriend kids".

Grey's Anatomy
That was an awesome show. They are great actors. I couldn't write about it last night. I was too emotional. Oh, poor George. and man oh man.. Izzy can't seem to do anything right. But she did have the last word. Christina's last sentence of the show broke my heart. "Welcome to my Club, George, the "Dead Dad Club" I am so sorry your in my club." Sounds gross to those who haven't lost a parent, but truly if you haven't lost your mom or your dad (mom, in my case) you have absolutely no idea how if feels. Those who have experienced that lost share a bond. Expecially when you lose them when you are young. Well, maybe age has nothing to do with it, I don't know. I think I was too young (about the same age as George).

A little funny for the end.

Q. What do you call a sheep with no legs? A. A cloud.


  1. Weather disappointing...would've loved a day to be locked in with nothing to do but create stuff with paper and glue!

    I loved GRey's Anatomy last night. I think Mel might need a set of those wax ear plugs - HA!

    Poor George..glad I am not yet a member of that club!

  2. Okay... fun fun fun! I love this blog thing..although I'm so not interesting enough to have my own. Who wants to read about the terrible two's...pas moi!!! I'm living it and most have been there done that! Anyway keep up the fun posts...they keep me informed (and laughing!)
    P.S. I bawled during Grey's Anatomy and called my parents during the end credits to tell them I loved them. argh! :-(
