Saturday, March 10, 2007

I can't believe I haven't updated in a week.....

so much for blogging every day. Ok, Chantal, here goes.

Grampa update.... he is doing fantastic. He is still, yes, still in the hospital, but he will be coming home on Monday. They are playing with his sugars and the meds that fix that, and they are happy with the chances. These things take time, to perfect the balance, but the good news is, they don't think they will put him on insulin and they have changed the pills to "easier on the system" ones. That means his kidney function is back to normal (for those of you who are not up on diabetics...their worst enemy is the kidney failure). So good kidneys is a thing to brag about when your a diabetic. Poor Dad, its all he can brag, since he has had every other ailment associated with Diabetic... blindness, heart trouble, circulation and even a little toe amputation.

So he is keeping busy, harassing the nurses, some I know from School. He banters with John his roommate since the beginning, and teases Johns wife Maxine. He is walking to the bathroom with not much difficulty, and therefore, enjoys the privacy of that luxury. Meals have been good, really, for a diabetic, he gets more than I would give him. He is enjoying the big fluffy white rolls he gets at breakfast, along with the jam.

We have prepared the house for his arrival on Monday. We purchased a small fridge and a small "easy to use" microwave and they are set up in his sitting room. He will not tackle the stairs for the first little while.

I have switch my daily start time to 8:30, and Linda Y will start at 8:00. Then at 8:30, Alicia will work for me for a half an hour, doing announcements, and phones. I will pay her out of my overtime that sits there and doesn't get used. This will give me an extra hour in the morning to make sure dad is up, and safely eating breakfast before I head to work.

KID update..... well, Michelle and Scott left on Tuesday to go back to school. Terry drove them down in a yucky snowstorm, as far as the airport, and Stephanie went along for the drive and was good company for Terry on the way back. I spent Tuesday supper, with dad, and then off to curl. Stephanie stayed just until Wednesday morning and hit the road by bus, right from Kingston, since it was getting too hard to get her to the airport. She is a really trouper and didn't mind the ride at all. She is never bored, and always keeps busy no matter the situation.

Scott has received word that he was hired for next school year to be a "TECH NERD" for the university. I think he is general tech support to the kids with their computers, and answers the HELP line. Great job for him, as he is a natural at these things ( I seem to be surrounded by natural techs) So, the new quest for both Scott and Mick is summer jobs. Both have leads, and with fingers crossed, they will turn out well.

Stephanie has her summer job in place, as long as summer government grants are approved. She also hopes to go to Mexico for another type of archaeological dig or study. She has applied for funding... and that will be what holds her back from going.

March break is here. My plans...some medical appointments on Monday... Tuesday.. a facial and eyebrow shaping (both are firsts for me). Wednesday, a yummy lunch date with anyone who is not busy. Not sure who... but I will keep you posted. Thursday... off to Bridgetown for a pub date with Lynn W, and anyone else who is around that area. Friday... Lunch out again, with any other takers. The rest of the week will be just around the house, finishing up some projects. Debbie and Brian, left today for Cuba. Patty Casey left for Italy yesterday. A few from School are off to Europe, cruises, Florida and other warm destinations. My Sandra and her kids are in Disney right now. Its a perfect time of year for warmth, when your just so sick of the cold. Mollie and I went for a long COLD walk this morning and I wore my Nike pedometer to pump up my mileage on my website challenge with my sister. But until I go for another 3 km walk tonight, before 11pm, she has beat me. But I just couldn't fit is all in this week. But I am going to issue a MARCH BREAK challenge to her... hee hee hee... not sure what it is going to be... but I am sure I will win it.


  1. LEt me know about lunch...maybe I can join you on one of the days.

    Glad Grandpa is coming home!


  2. Now THAT is an entry!!! Thanks for the great update! Love the pic of your tech family! Can't wait to hear about the me you will LOVE it! It's paradise!
