Monday, March 19, 2007

Monday...Back to the grind

First day back to school after March Break. Lots of things to look forward to, but a few things that I am dreading. End of year... for me, that is the financial year. That happens in 12 days. I have a ton of stuff to do in the next school week, and its doubly important this year, as I have a pending "new" principal coming on staff in the next two weeks. I would like to be able to present a clear financial vision for them... something more to overwhelm them. ugh.
On the up side, I am starting a new morning routine, and this morning is the first morning. Sadly, I didn't sleep all night, for no apparent reason. I find when I have something big in the morning, like an early appointment, or a ....change... of any sort, even a pending storm day, I sleep horribly, waking every hour or even half hour. Well, last night was not much different, except that I woke, and couldn't go back to sleep for over an hour. When I finally did, I also woke up every hour after that. I saw the clock strike almost every half hour... 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 and then stayed awake after that. Oh, ramble..ramble... my new morning. Well, I have switch morning start times with Linda Young and I am now starting at 8:30 in the morning. So far, I am very excited about it. To again length my morning at home even more (temporarily) I have asked Alicia to work for me from 8:30 to 9:00 and I will pay her from my bank of overtime. This was approved by our acting Principal and who knows if it will stand when the new Principal comes in to play. But this allows me to be home that extra time to help Dad with his morning routine. He has difficulties with the stairs still, since his knee attack, and therefore will have his breakfast down stairs. I will keep you posted on how all this goes.

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