Monday, September 3, 2007

September... and the nights are cooler

This is the first long weekend in 6 years that I am not moving a child into a university. That's only because, Stephanie now lives in her university town, and Michelle and Scott went back a week earlier. This long weekend, we didn't spent it with anyone... no kids, no sisters, no in-laws. Totally a first in a million years. It was not terrible, just different. We had a couple of campfires in the evenings, one with Debbie and Brian, and one with Jill and Mel. They were so nice, and the evenings are cooler, bug free, and not much wind. So it was definitely a highlight to relax and sit around a fire with friends.

Some things I have learned this weekend...
1. The bottom of the campfire bowl is really hot, and it burns the flesh of your BARE toes, really quickly.
2. I shouldn't go around the yard, or house in bare feet. I have injured my feet a total of 6 times this summer, due to not wearing shoes. So I am trying to wear shoes around especially when I am outside.
3. Michelle's room is a hideaway for all my socks!!! Amazing.

Kejimkujik National Park is one of most favorite places in the world to go. Its just so peaceful. And we had the privilege of spending the day there on Sunday. Just Terry and I. We biked for 2 hours along the trails and paths. It was quite cool(19 degrees) when we started (at Merrymakedge) but it warmed up really fast once we hit the trails. The first 10 minutes was UPHILL!!!! My legs were like jello and fire at the same time.
Within a few minutes, we happen upon our first wildlife siting. It was so magical. Not a sound in the forest around us, and we were talking to each other, and the deer was just grazing and not bothered by us at all. I took a few pictures but it was so dark in the woods, and this was the only one that you can actually make out what he is.

The trails were quite a challenge and we biked for about 20 kms through all different types of trails. So fun, and quite a challenge. The park was packed but we met very few people, just mostly when we biked around the campground.

All along the river, we talked about the possibility of Kayaking this river but we found several problems. The river is quite shallow, and there were a lot of boulders, but in spring it would be manageable. But then... The tree. This would be the challenge.... this tree crosses the whole river. How funny.

We had a good laugh when we saw that. Our last 15 minutes of the ride we were treated to one of those moments were you just stand back and reflect on nature. We came upon one deer feeding in the grass and we stood quietly watching. While we watched, another deer, a fawn joined her. Then another fawn, and then shortly afterwards another Deer and her baby. They acknowledged us, and continued eating. We watched them for quite a while. What a gift. A little side note to the blog. Sonny, my old boy, has found a new place to sleep. He changes his spot on a weekly basis. Over the summer, he has taken to sleeping under my car, on Scotts dresser, on a red shirt outside the bathroom door, on the computer table in Stephanie's room, and this is the new one since yesterday. He chooses a spot and then sleeps there every chance he can for about a week or two. Cats.....


  1. Loved reading your entry! What beautiful pictures. Isn't nature spectacular! We are so blessed to live in such an amaxing country!
    Glad you enjoyed your kid-free long weekend! You deserve it!
    Let the craziness begin tomorrow! Sweet dreams! :-)

  2. Great pictures! Looks like you guys had fun!

  3. awesome pictures :) i love them! I'm sure you guys had a much funner weekend than i did!

  4. you make me want to go to Kehi, we have never been there, if you can imgine. Good luck at KDS this year, I have mixed feelings as we no longer belong there.

  5. Makes me really really want to move to the Valley.. Thanks for sharing.. love Albert
