Thursday, January 24, 2008

The B.E.L.T..... was it worth it???

Well my poor dad had to undergo a pretty yucky medical test today, and in preparation for that, he had to go without eating for 36 hours plus a few unpleasant medications had to be ingested so that he was "empty!". Pretty stressful for him, and not so fun to be around him either!

Off we went to the hospital today for his x ray, and after struggling in a 3x3 change room with no seat and no handrails, we got his johnny shirt on, and the housecoat and seated while he waiting for his turn in the machine. I zipped down to get blood work done while he was getting his tests (multi tasking is my name!!). What a long and uncomfortable experience for dad, and it was truly a frustrating and embarrassing morning. On top of that, Poor ole dad's diet has been very limited since September after he was put on a strict low-sodium no flavor diet. Just imagine how exciting it was when after his yucky test today, we pulled into TIM HORTONS and ordered 2 Bagel B.E.L.Ts for brunch. That would be the new Bagel, bacon, egg, Lettuce & tomato sandwich. It was pretty good. We took them home and after surviving me... safely backing the car into the garage (never did that before) and the treacherous 10 foot walk on icy sidewalks to the house, we both sat down and enjoyed our B.E.L.T..... and yes, dad said it was ALMOST worth it!


  1. So glad to hear that this experience is over for you and your dad. Nice treat to have a B.E.L.T. to celebrate being able to eat again!!!

  2. That's it! I'm picking up Grandpa and I'm bringing him to DQ...and we're not telling you! He deserves it! lol!
    You are a Saint! He's lucky to have you! (so am I) xo

  3. Oh, I see that TH ad on TV and I want one too. But I'm afraid, I don't think I can do what dad had to do just yet. But next time I do, I'm going to get a BELT..

  4. Oh, I see that TH ad on TV and I want one too. But I'm afraid, I don't think I can do what dad had to do just yet. But next time I do, I'm going to get a BELT..
