Sunday, March 23, 2008

Ok, things are back to "It was a fun day"

After they warmed up, and over shouted each other on the most frustrating/turn funny parts, then started laughing about all the funny things that went wrong... and suddenly, everything turned out to be.... "A fun day"
We had "no way am I going up that driveway.... to that house" and then drive back and forth up a country road reading the GPS and saying.... ok.... its gotta be that place... but they were worried about a someone coming after them with a rifle.....pretty creepy house... oh their dad has the strangest sense of humor!
Then, we had..... going to Jill's.... yeahhhhh, oh wait, Jill says.... wrong house!... Thank God for Jill sending them off in the right direction. Of course, they completely ignored the GPS telling them to go to the FRONT of the house, so they immediately went to the back of the "Stranger" house (that would be Jill's sister's house) and searched around the back yard. Jill purposely plotted the GPS coordinates so that they would avoid the backyard "puppy poop mine field" and like great game players, the whole family did not interfere but instead watched out the windows as they searched the yard. Scott finally decided to read the GPS and it took him right to the treasure.!
And then the best was the last. They parked the car, and began tromping around in the big back yard of the house they were nearest. After several minutes (which included Scott getting "thorned" and Michelle getting a major soaker, a curious gentleman and his dog came out of the house to ask these 4 young people (wearing bunny ears) if he could help them. Scott immediately asked him if he knew "Terry Peters" and when he responded "No?!?"... Michelle offered up an explanation of a GPS Easter Hunt which, at the mention of GPS, got the gentleman all warmed up and jolly as he watched 4 very embarrassed bunnies bound down the drive way.
Now, to be fair... Terry put in the WRONG coordinates TOTALLY, because he had them way off the original site, but after 3 phone calls... they found the LAST treasure and were bounding home safe and sound.
They arrived home, and piled out of the car with armfuls of loot and had to endure the final giggles of a little boy and his mom walking down the road and hearing.... Look Mom, they have bunny ears on!!!!!
All turned out well, and all was forgiven and forget it.... no more GPS Easter Hunts... next year... ummmmm..... I don't know, but no more GPS!
We had a non traditional Easter Supper of Ribs, Wings, Devilled Eggs, Italian Potato Melts, Bean beans and Asparagus... with baked apple slices over ice cream for dessert. Hours of chatting after supper and then almost two hours of Dice and Bananagram.... and its now time for bed.

....and still no retainer!


  1. Oh, this is stuff they'll remember for years.. What fun. Supper sounds fabulous.

  2. what a fun day...what a fun family!
