Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pilates anyone.....?

ok, so my exercise buddies and myself pledged to each other just a couple of months ago to work together, to exercise regularly and to help each other with healthy eating....
You know, when your driven to do it all. Exercise every day, eat only good foods... no snacks, no nibbles, etc. You know, when you have the strength of an IRONMAN athlete. You know, when you try something new, and connect with like minded people, when you feel you can help someone else during your struggles......
Then... reality hits. Meetings after school, no time to make lunches, nothing taken out for supper, stressful days that cause non stop eating at night.... you know... reality. Every Monday, my exercise buddies and I either look at each other and support each other in our excuses or just try to avoid eye contact. Bottom line is we are letting each other and ourselves down.

This week is a new week and its time... The excuse of "Bored with Debbie Seiber" and hating "Denise Austin's big fake smile" are OVER.
We are onto... PILATES.. yup... a new routine! Windsor Pilates... you know the "100's", the "Body Roll up" ... the "Around the world in 30 lbs of Chocolate" .. wait, no, that's my dream last night.... around the world with your leg or something like that..
so far this week, we have got together to try the "basic" Windsor Pilates tape. We did it two days in the row and the again today after taking a day off. We worked our POWER HOUSE. truly and we are gonna again tomorrow.... We are pumped and ready.. its spring and the clothes need to fit better...

So, already today I have had no snacks before lunch and only one of those cereal bag snacks after lunch.... supper....yummy and healthy (you know fish and veggies) and with two visitors after supper, I didn't have any time to ponder which kind of cookie I would have with my tea.... but later on in the evening, in front of the TV, I weakened and had my "light" ice cream with NON light DARK chocolate PC brand sauce on it..... OH, and THANKS SARAH (Jill's sister) for introducing my newest weakness. But, I swear, when this bottle of the sauce is gone, I am never buying another one again! ooooohhhhhh, I can't resist. So, all in all, a better evening than most evenings, right?

We plan on getting together again tomorrow, and really, by next week, we will be sooooo buff. . It won't be long before the 5 of us star in our own Exercise Video and we will have unique combinations between Denise's routines, Debbie's routines and Windsor Pilates. We will have Sunshine, Rainbows and 100's. OK, time for me to sign off... because I am getting weak from hunger..... wish me luck!!


  1. You guys are funny. You know what Oprah would say to all this...She would not be happy!!

  2. Not only will I wish you luck, but I'm joining you - I got the Windsor Pilates videos a lot time ago and have been trying to get motivated to try them out. With Sean gone all day now I do need something to do...

  3. Bon Chance Donna!! I'm with you all the way (in spirit) I swear though, when this flu thing is gone.. back to Curves with a vengeance!! :) love Albert
