Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Hips!!!

I thought I had seen it all!!! But when grocery shopping last night, Terry and I entered the health food section looking for a cereal that Terry saw on TV for diabetics (for dad). In our intense reading of every box on the shelf, I came to the pet section. We had fun reading all the "organic" doggie treats.... We came upon some special treats for certain needs.After we chuckled over the name, I read the label and saw that it's chicken... free range (or to quote them "cage free")no less, and contains glucosamine and Chondroitin (hence the name). So for our sturdy girls' hips to be more happy, we bought them to help. So, she loves her little treat and so does the cat. Now whether her hips are happy or not, we will see. She is starting to get pretty stiff, so lets give it a few days to see how well it does. She already knows what the words "happy hips" means after two treats, so they must be good.


  1. okay that is HILARIOUS!!!! Molly is a lucky girl!
    Keep reading labels...if you find "Happy/Thinner Hips" in the people food aisle...buy me a box! lol!

  2. I agree. If you find any kind of treats for thinner hips, cat, dog or otherwise, let me know..

  3. Love how you find a story in the everyday, Donna!

  4. Great Post... happy hips indeed... I could use some of that dog food..LOL

    Just wanted to tell you that I got the bean seeds in today's mail. Thanks you so much. Going to go find a place to plant them...

  5. God, I love that dog! She is so cute!
