Sunday, August 24, 2008


Not just the Olympics, either. I loved this 2008 Olympics. I loved China and Beijing... a pleasure to watch the whole thing, although I didn't watch as much of it as I had hoped, I still loved every moment. I cried with the winners and the losers, I cried at the opening and closing ceremonies..
I cried when it was over. 2012 in London... somehow, I just don't think it will be the same.

My summer is over. Officially. But what a glorious weekend I spent in celebration! Terry and I kayaked McGill Lake. It was big and windy and sunny and hot... all at the same time. The lake is quite large... not as big as Aylesford Lake but still fairly big. But there are only 3 cottages on this lake and they are all nestled together like they are all one big family of cottages. As we paddled by them I wondered which came first... the friends or the cottages. Wouldn't it be nice to have your cottage amongst your long time friends... I almost forgot to mention the skinny dipping couple we ran across when I paddled up to the place where we put our kayaks into the water. We knew there was people there (the only other people we saw the whole time) because there truck was blocking our car.... but when I paddled the corner... tahdah..... oh well, I discreetly made lots of noise as I turned my boat around and gave them time to giggle/laugh and get dressed.

Saturday morning... bright and early, Linda and I hit the Shannon River Channel for a peaceful paddle in the fog and sun. It was Linda's first time and I think I have made a kayaking fan out of her. After a 2 hour paddle down the lazy canal, we headed for the BIG SCOOP for a yummy breakfast of french toast and pancakes.

Saturday afternoon was lazy and warm, with very little getting done in my house except snoozing and baking. I had to rest up for my great night of GLOW BALL. My brother in law Tom joined us for a wonderful evening at Debbie and Brian's where I sat pool side with Ashley and judged the cannon ball contest. OOOOOOUCH.... Uncle Bobby won hands down although Cathy came in a distant second... The evening turned into a gathering of close to 40 adventurous golfers who hit the greens and started the 5th annual GLOW BALL tournament around 9:15 pm. We were armed with glow earrings, bracelets, hats and awesome ankle wraps, as well as flashlights and glowing golf balls. We drove carts in the pitch black and heard cheers off in the distance, when someone made a particularly awesome shot. Very fun night. It ended sometime after 1AM with BBQ'd hot dogs and gospel music around a washtub fire! Tom pointed out several times to Terry and I, that we have a great group of friends, and although I already knew that, it was nice to hear it again and again, sort of to reaffirm it and make me realize that I shouldn't take them for granted.

My summer has been filled with friends... there wasn't a day, not one single day, that I wasn't talking to, emailing with, or spending time with one of my friends. I first "poopooed" FACEBOOK ages ago, saying it was for kids, and a waste of time. But this summer, Facebook kept me in touch with people like Chantal who was away all summer, with Lucie, who is deployed in Afghanistan, with Jenn who moved to BC and we chatted all along her 14 day drive. I chatted with friends, family and co workers all summer, and kept up with their joys and disappointments. I have a new respect for Facebook, and now that I head back to work, I know I won't be able to write on walls, or update my status that much, but I will be keeping it on my favorites to check in with friends I no longer have to lose.

Terry and Tom went for a morning paddle before lunch, and Tom left to go home and celebrate his youngest daughter's 13 birthday. Happy Birthday Caliegh!

Can you see TWO frogs in my pond....


  1. It is over - but it is also a new beginning. The start of a school year is always full of anticipation and excitement.
    What a great summer it has been. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to share some fun and special adventures this summer - summer curling and nightime golfing - who would have thought!
    You (and Tom) hit the nail on the head - the reason our experiences are so much fun is because of the wonderful circle of friends around us! Thank you for being a very special friend!!!
    Love ya,

  2. I can't believe the summer is over for you. But I know you did lots and enjoyed yourself. The kayak pictures are so nice..

  3. Yes, summer is soon over. But judging from your blog, it seems that you got a lot of fun things accomplished. I have enjoyed following your kayak trips.

  4. GOlfing in the dark is so much fun. I am glad that Tom enjoyed it....and you forgot to mention that the Peters and the Walkers won the 5th annual GlowBall will soon be on "TOUR".....Glad you enjoyed the Baptist Hymns....that's a "TICK" for the protestants.....just are a great friend. Luv "The Diamondtologist"..... tell Terry you love diamonds!!!!
