Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Basket fun

As most of you know, we are a "pet" family. This weekend we were bombarded with pets and I truly haven't laughed that much in years. Michelle and Scott's two new kittens kept us in stitches all weekend. Mollie was sort of ok with them at first, until Apollo (black and white one)tried out one of his mega kitten spits (which strangely sounded like whip cream coming out of one of those spray cans!).. The spit started the war and Mollie ended it with a ferocious snarl. This began the Apollo vs Mollie war that ended when Apollo left on Monday afternoon. But truthfully, they began tolerating each other in the room together by about Saturday afternoon, but they never really were comfortable with each other. Believe it or not, Mollie is afraid of Apollo, and vice versa. Sirius (the black one), on the other hand was pretty cool with Mollie and by Monday they were sharing the big bench in front of the birdfeeder, watching the birds dive bomb the feeder.
The birdfeeder was the coolest "bird" TV they have ever seen. Besides birds divebombing, there were bright yellow leaves falling too. they were almost as exciting. They could only get into this window to watch when Mollie wasn't hogging it, but they both took the opportunity to watch "the Bird channel" as often as possible.

The 25 year old cat scratching post was the BIGGEST hit of the weekend. So much fun that Mick and Scott took it home with them. This post has been around since our first cat Cindy in the early 80's, and its sat at the top of our stairs for 20 years until the new floors came in. Pika was excited to see the post come back out of the closet but was less than thrilled to see the little kittens on it. the kittens didn't take long to learn how to climb it, and they played on it for hours, and they also snoozed on it several times a day..

Our basket on the table has been tons of entertainment for our own cats over the years and the kittens were equally thrilled with it, for playing in and snoozing.
And several times a day we brought them outside, both front and back yards to play in the "wilderness". Pretty funny for us, and really fun for them.
Mollie slept soundly for hours after they left. I don't think she could quite relax while they were zooming around the house, and she barked constantly at them while they rough housed! Its very quiet here now....


  1. I Love it!! I'm going to post a video of them playing on the scratching post now that it has relocated to antigonish! Both kitties have been sleeping a lot since we returned from Greenwood, I think they are all played out, they LOVED having an audience.

  2. Also, Sirius is a LOT fatter, we put his collar on today and it fits - almost too snug haha.

  3. What entertaining. It's like your grandchildren Donna. Next thing, you'll be buying them pj's for the photoshoots... :)

  4. I'm with Gail.. just like grandchildren: you get them for the weekend.. they terrorize your home and entertain you - then they go home. LOL!! KofO
