Saturday, November 22, 2008

16 inches...

yup, over night. Between midnight and 10am. geesh... 13 inches in the driveway at 10 and then up to 16 by supper time... and its still coming

The birdfeeder in the front.. in the morning
Bird feeder in the back yard...

Garden Dragon fly that stayed out too longNew ideas...

Michelle and Scott bought Mollie these most embarrassing pink shoes for winter fun... and Mollie has had them on a couple of times but today was her first snow play... they didn't last any longer than 15 minutes... she wore problem... but she blew the bottom out of one and it filled from the bottom instead!!!
The snow is heavy... wet..... plentiful...

the beginning.. there is always a begining.... hat hair.... runny noses....snowy jackets....wet mitts....sore elbows from shovelling.....wet dog smell.... snowballs on the floor.... the dull din of the weather network on the tv ALL THE TIME....cranky cat..... grocery store conversations about the weather

The beginning .... hot chocolate, baking cookies, stews and chilis, joyful Mollie, no raking, school cancelations, warm hats, scarves and mitts..... snowmen, inside the house and outside too.


  1. Well, I'm cold now.. just looking at your photos. Actually its warming up here a little. 33 degrees right now.

    No snow on the ground for us. Just snow flurries twice this week. Never happens that we get to see snow in November.. yet twice in the last week..and last Saturday tornadoes were happening near us..

    Enjoy your snow... it looks like Mollie had fun!

  2. What a waste of a good snow day! Why oh why couldn't this have happened on Monday?!? ha!ha!

  3. I'm with Chantal on this one!

    We are shovelled out to the end of the driveway, but nowhere to go from there. Guess we may have another day stuck in the house - oh well - good time to enjoy the peace and quiet, as well as the beauty of the snow!

    I love Molly's pink shoes. Is the blown out one repairable?

  4. Holy Crap: Did we ever get hit with snow. Here it is Sunday Morning and they still haven't plowed our sub division..I love the snow, but this is a bit ODD! Love the pictures, think I will put up some Christmas decorations, this snow puts me in the mood. Love the picutes of Mollie. The Diamondtologist.

  5. Mollie is beautiful!
    All this snow sucks...we needed it on Monday. I am supposed to head to Hfx for work - ugh! I may wait until tomorrow.

  6. Beautiful... ask me if I think that when we get nailed with 17 inches? :) Take care and see you Thursday.. Kelly

  7. You are making me miss home even more(sitting in my living room looking at the snow in our woods. I do know that Linda is appreciating it! We wont get that kind of a snow here now...too cold for it...we get the blowing snow and -30 to 40 temperatures. Takes your breathe away when you are out on the playground. If the wind isn't blowing I will be doing playground duty at -50 this winter. Tha girls tell me to take about cold weather then...oh dear!!
