Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hallowe'en Fun

I am not sure where traditions begin... and how they develop. I guess every family makes their own traditions... without even knowing. Maybe they start with "habit" and grow into traditions as we look back and long for "the old days".

I had forgotten some of the funnest parts of Trick or Treating, having gotten away from the feverish anticipation of waiting, the glee of waiting for the door to open and wondering what kind of yummy treats that would be scored! The fun of seeing your friends dressed up funny and your teachers wearing funny hats and giving you awesome treats...

I had the pleasure of experiencing all that again last night. I spent the evening with Abbey, Micheal and Chantal. It has been a very long time since I have spend an evening with four year olds getting ready for Halloween. Actually spending time with 4 year olds has been long over due really. How fun to hear the high pitched giggles, the hopping of excitement, and the pride of a treasured costume. We practiced how to do the trick or treat at the door, how to say thank you, and we watched and waited for the very first Trick or treaters to come. that is usually the sign that its time to start off on their journey.

I had the really fun job of handing out treats in a small quiet subdivision while Chantal walked the dark and cold streets with her kids and several others youngsters. My job when the kids were little was also the walk about. I loved that part the most, and Terry loved staying home, handing out treats and scaring the crap out of the little kids, and big kids and even some moms once they braved the terrors of our yard, and the dark brown tunnel they had to travel through to get to the door...

therefore, I totally enjoyed sitting on the door step and watching the kids come up the street and I made them either tell me a joke, do a dance or a trick for me before I loaded their bags with Chantals treats...

Once the kids and Chantal got home, it was looting time. The kids were thrilled with all their goodies. I scored Cheeto crunchies... my fav for Halloween Treats...

Once our little trick'rtreaters when off to bed...We invited Richard Gere to spend the evening with us... I asked him to bring his tux and the red rose.... and we danced all evening... Chantal dressed up as Jenn Lopez and I was Miss Mitzi!!! Of course with Richard and Chantal dancing all over the living room, no one had time to take my picture as Miss Mitzi!!! I headed home around 11pm and took Richard with me.... So... traditions... its a mystery how they happen, how they grow and why we crave for them when they are gone... but I think Richard for Halloween is a pretty good tradition, I might start...


  1. OMG! I'm laughing so hard! You are so funny! I had such a great time with you last night! Thanks again so much! You are a true friend and I'm truly blessed to have you in my life! Love you Donna! xo

  2. I really like Richard Gere too. We had a quiet Halloween and bought way too many treats. They're in the freezer, out of sight now. The triplets have been halloween partying for 2 weeks. Whew, they got alot of stuff..

  3. I am still laughing after reading your post. OMG, is right!! Donna you are so funny and I am happy you and Chantal had a great Halloween.

  4. Love to read your posts, Donna. Your blogs are such a joy and lots to chuckle about. I remember the days we used to go to your house and Collette wouldn't go up to the door. She was so scared of what might be lurking in the tent Terry had created. The rest of the kids couldn't wait to get to your house. You would always remember her with a treat bag the next day. There are times when I miss the days our children were small. Love Richard Gere too!!!

  5. i was just checking out my butt in that picture you took of me and Richard. Damn that is one hot butt! McDonald's does a body good! lol!

  6. okay I just read this post come you got to take Richard home? I'm the one who doesn't have a man! lol!
