Monday, December 15, 2008


Some would say.. start at the beginning.... easier said than done... I need to blog the VERY day some thing happens because lately... "things happening" seems to be a daily event, and everything is soooo blogable.. (I think that's not really a word).. so, here is my blogmise(like promise, but with blogs). I will blog every day this week with all the stuff that I need to share....

Things to blog about.... my bathroom.... my dad's bedroom reveal.... my pre-pre-pre-birthday surprise.. my pre-pre-birthday surprise, my pre birthday surprise and yes... my birthday..

Now, here's how I figure things... I need to blog about the new look for my bathroom but since its 90% done, and I am waiting for a new sink, which will then have new faucets, and to put the shelves up.. I won't do that blog today. Second.. my birthday isn't really until tomorrow.. even though I have been celebrating it since Saturday.. I won't blog about that yet either..

today's blog.. will be my dad's room! So here is the story. My dad lived in the downstairs of our house. He had his own bathroom, bedroom, storage room and family room. His entire existence was contained in those rooms. A life time of mementos tucked in every corner. At first, after his sudden death, his rooms were a comfort to me, when I went downstairs to put things away, or move things, I often stopped in for spell. But after awhile they became a sad reminder, provoking tears each day, and a longing. Eventually, it became an albatross, because I knew I needed to clean out, but I just couldn't. That's a whole different stress. And, its very true, the longer you leave it the hard it becomes. But with Terry's help, we started on a Friday night and by Sunday afternoon, things were sorted, boxed or tossed. I started with massive tears and we ended with laughter and funny stories.

During a shopping day with my decorator God, named Paula, I mentioned how none of us would ever think of his room as anything but his room, and nobody would want to stay in the room, since it was Grampas. Dad and Paula have long since had a fun relationship where dad teased Paula over her decorating escapades at my house, and she always threatened to re do his room (which was hideous). He, was a very stubborn man, and refused to have anything to do with updating his crowded and cold looking room. Paula was only half joking most of the time, as she would have loved to re do his room into a masculine, functional room for him. Well, from this grew the idea that she would re do the room. Into a guest room but with his spirit in mind. I had no problem with this idea, but I really don't enjoy making those kinds of decisions and decorating in general and was thrilled when I suggested that she go for it but without my involvement. I would provide a loose budget and she could have fun! My only stipulation was no baby blue! I hate that color.. well, I am sick of that color, since that is what this room was for 20 years!
This is my dad's room... don't be alarmed.. we bought dad a new bed in Feb and he was trying it out.. sadly this is the only picture of his room I ever took (mostly because its not a pretty room) there is blue carpet on the ledges, brown curtains, 20 year old wall paper on the bottom half.

After a month of planning, whispering and little "before I come, you have to do this" jobs... Paula arrived Saturday morning... loaded down with items. Now, the rest of the story is that I went to Halifax for a power Xmas shopping day.. and left the house, fully aware that she and Terry would be working their buns off all day...which is why I called at least once an hour to see how things were going... what a fun day i had shopping, knowing that this was going on....

Before Paula's big day, Terry and I emptied the room, stripped wall paper, removed the blue carpet off the ledges and steam clean the carpet. Then Paula introduced us to the new color (which we had to paint)... the paint color is Para Paint Ultra Suede..."Green Pea".... somewhat significant since I HATE peas and Paula took this as a sign from my dad that this color was perfect for the room... me hating peas has always been a funny joke to him... and Paula didn't even realize when she picked this color that this was its name.!!!
Paula and I made the headboard, which I intended to blog, but got so excited as we made it that I forgot to take pictures... but this is Jerry and Terry hanging the curtains.. and you can see the headboard.. and you can see the the curtains are a perfect match to the walls... Green Pea... as well... Terry is working on a new light fixture.. you can really see the new wall color
and now the room.. from all angles... First the evening look, by the light of the lamp. The next is the daytime pictures, and this is the angle you walk into the room. So warm and inviting... The wall art... so awesome...The sweet little chandelier Terry was hanging...
A hanger for guests to hang a towel or jacket on. It is holding my dad's favorite cane on it right now but written on the back is a beautiful dedication of the room by Paula... toooooo beautiful to describe

the beautiful chair for sitting or stacking things on... and the chocolate brown dresser that the TV will sit on, once the electricity is re routed...My new guest room is warm and welcoming and a secret little hideaway... I can't believe how lucky I am to have someone so talented, gifted and generous with her time... as my friend Paula.. The words Thank You just are not enough...


  1. Yeah I am the first one to read this and look at the pictures. The room looks awesome, I didn't see it before but it looks terrific.....and I love the PEA GREEN fitting is that!!! Your Diamondtologist Friend

  2. Sobbing...I am sobbing.
    Paula is such a great friend! The room looks great, and I think that Grandpa would somehow approve!
    It looks wonderful.

  3. Happy Birthday Sis...OMG, the bedroom looks sweet. I saw Dad's cane hanging on the sweet little hanger and it brought tears to my eyes... What a great job.

  4. Happy Birthday Donna! I always enjoy your blog. The room looks great. Have a great 50th!
    Michele Harrington

  5. Grampa's room looks so warm and cozy! Masculine too....Happy B-day, Aurora and I wish you a wonderful day!! Kiss, Kiss!!

    Pear & Aurora

  6. Hi donna,
    I am a friend of Gail's (your favourite sister!!), and feel like I know you already, though we have never met.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! you lucky gal. I have just read about your Dad's room transformation and love the pea analogy---he would love it too I am sure. It is gorgeous and I gotta tell you, the green is NOT my favourite colour, but with the chocolate (which is my favourite flavour!) it sure works. I am off now to read on.
    Hapy Birthday to you KP.
    Kathy (in Fredericton)

  7. OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! The room looks BEYOND amazing! Quick get Paula to my house asap so she can "Paularize" my rooms befoe Michelle's wedding. I want pretty rooms for your family here too!

  8. Happy Birthday missy! The room is absolutely gorgeous - too nice for people to actually use though. :)
    Love ya,

  9. oh my....I am in love with the room...she did an amazing job....right out of a magazine...I love might have to start renting that friend out!!!!! I love the sentiment/emotion(for lack of a better word) behind the room, from the cane to the pea colour....he's apart of the room....but yet you are able to see his room in a new light, one that has happy memories not's really beauitful!!

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