Saturday, March 7, 2009


Usually, once a week or so, we have leftovers for supper. I am sure all families on our continent have leftovers every once and a while.

Well.. this blog will be a "leftover" blog... you know, full of things that are little bits of stuff that aren't enough for a whole blog but bloggable, just the same....

On the mundane side... Terry and I are going to Whiten our teeth...... and this is why I am writing about it. I noticed the other day that I am looking fairly sallow, you know, no sun for like 5 months. My teeth look darker than my skin. When I mentioned this fact to Terry, he just rolled his eyes at me... cause, you know your damned if you don't agree, and your damned if you do agree. And just because he rolled his eyes, I decided to buy the whitening kit and drag Terry into the game as well. Off to the drug store I went, and I scanned the few kits available. There were cheap ones, mediumly expensive ones and ULTRA expensive ones. I know the cheaper " store brand "ones don't really work well, because I was advised of this by a friend who fell into buying the "Cheap" one and it was a waste of her money. In sharing that info with me, it saved me losing $24. I read all the boxes, comparing what the low, medium and expensive whiteners did, and didn't do, and I decided to go with the "medium" priced one... the "PRO" level, which was $10 cheaper than the "ULTRA" kind. Now, on this same shopping trip to the drug store, I browsed for a moisturizer to use. I felt it was time to look into wrinkle prevention (I guess I had a particularly bad week with my sallow wrinkled skin and yellow teeth!) and anyone who lives local to me... knows, the sweet little lady at the cosmetic counter at Shoppers always says hello to you when you walk in the door. I always say hi back and then go the other way.. but today, I intended on using her knowledge to help me buy a new cream. She gave me the whole sales pitch of several brands and I chose one and she held onto it while I went looking for my teeth whitening kit. After painstakingly making my choice, I took it to the cosmetic counter and she started to ring me in when she said... "oh wait one second"... and off she went. She was gone a minute and came back with the "ULTRA" box of whitener in a bigger package with little packages all around. She said, this is a much better deal and you get all of this.!!!! And she was right. I got the Ultra whitener kit, plus vivid whitening tooth paste, and "night" vivid toothpaste and it was just $4 more than the medium one. I should have just asked her in the first place. So, we start tonight... this time next week, we will have sparkly teeth and maybe I will have no wrinkles left, either!

On the "ewwww" front......We stopped off at the vets' today to pick up some dog food, and we brought Mollie to get weighted and get her nails clipped. Ever since we got the hardwood floors, we notice that if her nails are too long, she slips and slids all over the place, so we are trying to keep her nails clipped close. Of course, we usually get them done by the groomer, but she doesn't have a grooming appt coming up, and her nails are just too long. When we got there, Mollie was elated to have had a car ride and was excited to enter this fun place, until she actually stepped in the door. Once she got a whiff of where she really was, she did an immediate 180 and tried to get back out! We took her into the technician's room and Terry hoisted her up onto the table and the young lady didn't waste a minute but got right down to business. Mollie began vibrating with fear and Terry stood at one end trying to calm her and I at the other end. The girl worked quickly, knowing Mollie's fear but during her clipping, she asked if I had ever tried to clip Mollie myself. I explained my unsuccessful attempt once, and she told me how easy it was to do, and began to show me how to flip her foot back like you are shoeing a horse. She parted Mollie's abundant foot hair and showed me what to look for and so on. I was just starting to think that maybe I could do this when "CLIP".... she clipped too close and our 65 pound puppy jumped straight up in the air and practically landed in my arms. When I looked down on the table there was a toonie size puddle of blood and the tech worked very quickly to put pressure on her nail as she reached for a cauterizing stick and cauterized the nip. Meanwhile Mollie was like a kid with ants in her pants and wiggled up on top of my shoulders. Our nail clipper had the bleeding stopped within 30 seconds but Mollie wasn't having anymore of her fooling around with her toes. Thankfully, it was the last nail to be clipped and she leaped to freedom and made a beeline to the door once we let her out of the torture room. I think I will pass on clipping her nails myself!

an exercise side note....
I learned about this really cool idea last week on the Uncluttered website (you will find in my favorite blogs list). I actually forget what the article was about , but it lead to a link to a website called Yoga that will allow you to download for free, these 20 minute Yoga workouts for your iPod. Also, there is a Pdf document that you download at the same time that you can follow while your listening to the instruction guide you through these workouts. Very cool stuff and I have downloaded two of them. One looks a bit too hard for me, quite yet, but the other is very cool and I will try it tomorrow morning.


  1. I am ROFLMAO about Mollie. trying to picture her in your arms or wriggling onto your shoulders.

    I too, tried to trim Midnight and Kelly's nails...WRONG...the blood...OMG. I thought they would bleed to death. Never again!

  2. Reason #28 why I don't want a pet! I hate clipping nails and I have to do 30 already (mine, plus Abbey & Michael...thankfully Steve does his own! lol!)
    Teeth whitening and wrinkle cream...maybe when I get back from Florida I won't recognize you. I'm wondering how you'll improve on perfection?!?

  3. Loved the snippets of this blog. Also got caught up on others I had missed. Invitation making looked like fun! Loved the tip about the hamburger. We have left overs a lot at my house.

  4. We had leftover shake and bake chicken last night. I make this little casserole where you put a can of mushroom soup, some milk, some mayo, then stir it all up. Add some veggie and the leftover chicken. Yum.. Serve with noodles and veg.

    Poor Mollie. She knows where to go when she's not happy... ha ha.

    I tried tooth whitening. I liked it, but beware, it doesn't work on caps. I'm glad you got a deal. nice.

    Was thinking of Mom when you mention wrinkle cream. Remember she used to use Second Debut! She always had young looking skin. I use Oil of Olay. I bet you've always wondered what my Secret was!
