Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Let the work begin!

We started with plain cardstock and tons of it. Everyone pitched in and started creating under Jill's direction. She referred to her cryptic sheets of math equations and then directed and guided and sometimes taught us what to do next.


Jill taught, the girls stamped

Linda punched...Jacquie chopped... Michelle snipped......

Debbie scored... Cricket folded...Pattianne sliced........
we chatted and giggled and the girls got silly. Pat and Cricket got silly!!!!
It was great to catch up with old friends we don't get to see much of and it was great to have the young girls, the boys and the mothers all working together.


  1. Awesome pics of the action! It was totally fun! Super bunch of girls! Mick is lucky to have such great friends and a wonderful Mom too!

    Terry took over my job...ha!ha! love it! Did he mess up as much as I did?!?

  2. P.S. Why didn't you tell me my roots were so bad? good grief!

  3. What a production line. Jill's (aka Sgt. Mj.) talent is so evident, she's a keeper. Actually Jill, Debbie, Chantal and Debbie are keepers. Should we adopt them as crafty sisters.... I wish I was there. I guess I'll have my fun at the sewing machine.

  4. How great is that? I can't WAIT to get mine in the mail. I AM invited aren't I? Donna? Donna!?

  5. And a great time was had by all!!!

  6. Oh, wow! I was there in spirit, but it sure was nice to see pictures! Wish I had been able to join you via msn...darn wifi was not available that day in our little Mexican beach town internet cafe. Great ladies of all ages and that cake is a work of art! So much talent in one room! Can't wait to see the invites. Thanks for sharing pics and stuff! Paula xo
