Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Hunt 2009

Ok, so two years ago, I made the statement that it was the LAST hunt... kids were getting too big, too hard to make a fun hunt... to far to go... etc. Then last year, well, was our first year to have Sean with us... and Terry really wanted to do a GPS hunt for Sean! The kids have their own car... another first, for them to use their own car.... but for sure.. the last hunt!

This March Break, I had the pleasure of my little niece for few days, and in the conversations that transpire was me asking, "What do you do on Easter Morning?" because its been many many years since we have had a regular Easter morning. Because of our big black dog with excellent "hunting" skills, we have had to be way more inventive than hiding eggs around the house. Caleigh described a traditional morning at her house, and then she thought about how things might have to change at her house now that they have their own big black "Bella" with a great nose for treats. We talked about all kinds of differents hunts that were possible, and then the birth of another Peters Non Traditional hunt was born right then. Caleigh and I planned out some fun locations within the house, with some hard clues for finding .. another clue...

We spend a few days coming up with locations in the house to hide the clues and funny, short two to three word clues.

Some of our clues.... "up & down, zig zag too", "treat bin, if your crazy", Leave of Copper, "toys of joy, empty hearted".... "Christmas Blooms".

We bought some treats for the big basket and the plan was sealed.

After coffe, a few showers and much discussion.....The hunt begins...

Oh, man ... "Pottery, from afar!?" Mom has pottery all over the house... geesh!"Leaves of Copper" many plants are in this house! Prinkly Plastic Plants....."Peter David, Your so Qute"...."Picture Perfect, smartiepants"...."Honey Dijon, Hot & Sweet"......The last clue was "Apples anyone?" and while three of the 4 hunters immediately starting looking for Apple artwork, or fridge fruit drawers.... Scott knew exactly where to go.... To the garage for the apple bin that holds our winter apples. The treasure.... a big basket of treats to share... movies, PSP games, summer bags, socks, kinder eggs, Tolberone, Cadbury eggs and picture frames.


  1. Hey.. that looked like fun.. I used to do some scavenger hunts with my grandchildren with clues like that and the prize was a little bit of money... but never on Easter...LOL

  2. Sean was too cool for the ears! I love it! Sounds like a super fun hunt!
    btw...I've known you for four years now and I've heard "this is the last one" for the past four years!! ha!ha!

  3. ha ha... so did one clue lead to the next clue etc.. You are amazing to be able to invent this game over and over every year.

  4. I look so grumpy in these pictures! I promise I had more fun than these pictures may suggest :)
