Thursday, May 7, 2009

Games.. where do you store them?

Just a fun little item I want to share with you....We have played a lot of games in our lives. Memories of my youth are playing "Careers" with "My" Sandra for hours. We played Monopoly, and Life and Trouble too. When I got married I learned a horribly fun and murderess game called Uckers ( I think that is how it spelled) and then Robin brought the game "Murder" to my life. We found a fun game called "Wide World" at a yard sale years ago and there is always Yahtzee too. Our newest game is "Settlers of Catan" was a hoot to play and a cool looking gameboard as well.

My favorite website for organizing life UNCLUTTERED has run an article on a fun way to store your games...

Wall art and shadowboxes... for all the pieces amongst your favorite games. Lot of game boards are pretty to look at or just fun to remember the last time you played around the table. the little boxes in the pictures are shadowboxes with all the pieces and parts for easy viewing and easy using. How fun. I really don't have anywhere to put my game art now, but when the kids were younger and we had a "playroom", I think I would have totally hung up our favorite boards!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!!! That would totally work in our playroom! We're all about "Dora Snakes and Ladders" and "Trouble"! FUN!
