Monday, May 25, 2009

Jack is waiting for his beanstock to grow...

I have no idea how long I have been growing Scarlett Runners in our back yard but I know its just tradition. I harvest a big bowl of seeds each fall and then in the spring I plant about a tenth of what I harvested and then try to give away the rest of the seeds. Stephanie tried to make jewelry out of leftover beads one year but that got too hard really fast. I gave them as Xmas gifts one year to all my friends, but I can't do that again because they have their own harvest now.
This year for one of the Sunday Children's liturgy crafts (after Easter) I started a bunch of the seeds and the kids planted them, decorated the pots and brought them to their parents back in the church (safely secured in baggies, to keep the dirt inside!)

I started about 75 seeds (way too many) but we only used about 25. I was just going to let the rest dry up and die, but .... ugh.... I just couldn't do that... and therefore, I left them on the counter covered with paper towel , and threw them some water every day. About a week after that Sunday we used them, I uncovered my seeds to see if indeed they had died and man... they looked CRAZY... full of roots and some sprouts with leaves and everything!!! Geesh.

That day I went out to the garage and potted them all up in little pots with soil and gave them a big drink. I protected them from the frost at night and the hot sun during the afternoons. They have lived a life of luxury for 20 days now and they are ready for the ground... except... I am not going to grow them this year.
This year, I have changed my plan for climbers.... and I will be growing brown eyed Susans (except they are a bright orange color) and also hot pink Morning Glories...
Now, instead of giving away seeds, I am now pawning off plants. 4 to Stacy, 4 to Kay, 4 to Cathy... and I planted 10 in my square garden, along the fence.. and I have space for like 4 more... near the compost... but then I have 20 plants left plus a pound of seeds!!!
Jack.... come and get your magic bean plants.....


  1. Oh, I could really use some seeds. Will you save me some of these other seeds for next year and I'll need coaching to start them for next year. This past weekend, I soaked a package of pole beans that I bought over night before planting. Should I have soaked longer...

  2. I remember Logan planting his bean at church! He came running up the aisle to show us because he was so excited...bag swinging full force! Luckily the bag was tied :) We had to replant the seed and dirt, lol.
