Friday, July 17, 2009

The Day Before

Its the day before ..... the last minute day is here. Of all the days in this whole process, this is the day I have feared. This is the day when things can go wrong.

Today is raining, and the forecast for tomorrow is cloudy with sunny breaks. Perfect for a wedding day, in my opinion. But today it rains. Today we have about 60 people coming to my house for a family BBQ. They say rain til noon.

All the big stuff is ready, the little things are waiting....and everyone is on the move. My sister, her three daughters and their families are on their way here. A 6 hour drive. The decorations move to the reception hall, and decorations move to the church today. The wedding cake gets assembled.

Arrivals continue now that parents and grandparents have arrived, we are waiting for groomsmen, bridesmaids, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends. Who is driving with whom, and where is everyone sleeping.

Phone calls to make.... reception hall, florist, priest..... groceries to buy (and find room for). Those insignificant meals to think about, like breakfasts and lunches for many.

Here I sit, 5:45am, thinking about the flowers that didn't flourish or bloom, in my garden. The carpet on the steps that didn't get replaced, the recroom walls that didn't get repainted... the pictures that won't get postered and displayed....

That is what today is.......the day before.


  1. All of that stuff just doesn't matter. What matters is that you will be witness to all the love that your family has for Scott and Michelle. No one will notice the carpet or the paint, or even the flowers. The weather will work out. I agree that cloudy with some sun for tomorrow will be perfect. I am available to help with anything today...

  2. Everything will come together and Jill is right all the little stuff doesn't matter. You will have a beautiful day tomorrow watching your little girl get married. Enjoy the day. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. Also: pictures postered and displayed. CHECK!

  4. I am soooo excited about seeing Michelle walk down the aisle. She and Scott are meant for each other. The little stuff you think isn't finished....who cares, relax and enjoy the next couple of days. You folks truly are a wonderful family. luv....your diamondtologist friend.
