Wednesday, July 8, 2009


It’s a summer sport. Not to be confused with sledding, which is a winter sport. The Scott and Michelle team sing the praises of Kijiji because they have scored exercise equipment, furniture, pets, pet supplies and a job using this search and purchase site. Their most recent bargain on Kijiji is this massive lawn mower which was much needed at their lawn was like a hay field in the back.
Scott, being an expert in yard maintenance what thrilled to get a great deal on this oversized gas push mower until he had to hump it up and down his basement stairs when it wasn’t in use.

Meanwhile at the other end of the 101, terry was deep in neighbourhood conversation with our newfie neighbor when “Newf” as we affectionately call him, offered Terry this large stack of thickly planed boards he had milled to build a fence. First off, Newf’s wife had wanted the fence and she flew the coop 1.5 years ago, so why build it now, and secondly, he hasn’t ever finished a project, that we are aware of. The wood sat, rotting, for over three years and was over grown with grass coming up through it. It was a kind thing to offer it to us and we were happy to take it off his hands.

Now, Terry loves a project that he can sink his teeth into. He figured he could design a shed for Scott that
a. was big enough for his lawnmower and whippersnapper and bike, garden tools,
b. build it in portable sections so it could be moved in his utility trailer and rebuilt on location in the backyard, and...
c. didn't cost much.

He designed several versions, and he and Scott “MSN”ed ideas and changes for a week or two, and finally during the weekend of Michelle’s wedding shower, Terry and Scott began working on a shower gift of a different type. They bought minimum supplies and puttered through rain and yipping dogs (Lucy, that is). The weeks of chatting and planning grew into a weird looking shed. For only $111, (strapping, hinges, stain, screws). We delivered the first half of the shed on Saturday and the second half on Sunday.

and the completed shed is moved, rebuilt and housing the awesome lawnmower as well as a few other outdoor things... great job boys!


  1. It truly is a great shed!

  2. I think Parallax misunderstood what kind of shedding you meant and has decided to compete in the next Summer Olympics. GREY EVERYWHERE.
    Also, a very nice shed indeed.

  3. WOW! Terry is super talented!!! The shed is awesome!

  4. Donna, here I thought this blog was going to be all about dog hair! Geesh!

    Paula :o)

  5. Awesome!
    I didn't think it would be about building a shed, but shedding some of your excess camping gear and giving it to S and M. I think I mixed up Keji and Kijii. Ha!
    Home in 2 more sleeps. When are we going camping?????

  6. Oh, how about camping on the weekend of the 19th - ha!


  7. I thought this was going to be about how to shed 20 pounds before the wedding.

    Nice shed. I was impressed with it when I saw it in your garage on our visit a couple of weeks ago.

    I bet Scott is thrilled with it. A man loves his shed. Scott, they have great hooks and organizational things at the dollar store. And you might want to put up a shelf and some hooks... I wonder if you'll get big spiders living in it, like we do in our shed.

  8. I, too, thought it would be about dog hair...LOL

    That's a very nice shed... I'm sure Scott loves it!
