Monday, January 11, 2010

In the midst of crazy

I know I have said this a million times but I find something hilarious every single day at my workplace...
Today... A little primary girl, dressed completely in her snowgear (snowpants, coat, hat scarf and boots) with a big and insistent voice marched into the office, wormed her way past two grown ups and stepped up on the step, looked over the counter at me.... interrupting the teacher at the counter who was discussing something not that important with me. Her big cowboy voice announced that her mitts were soaked and she needed to borrow some from my clothesline...
I acknowledged her request, told her to go and help her self, reminded her to bring them back when she was done.. and off she stepped. She took 3 steps towards the mitts, and stopped. In her big demanding voice she boomed...."oh ooo..... I have to go pee". Every adult in the room froze.... for like 10 seconds. Then, like a well rehearsed play, someone whisked her off to the bathroom, about 50 little steps away, while the rest of us held our breath. Another, followed and stood in the door of the bathroom to hear if we needed to find spare clothes, snowsuit, boots, socks, undies...... We watched through the office glass, as the grown up in the door way waited for a word from the stall... and then the thumbs up came our way.. and we all giggled, rejoicing in another accident averted.
After lunch when the mittens were returned, I noticed that when our little weak bladdered spitfire walked out of my office, her snow pants where on, completely inside out...
Not a day goes by...I don't find something funny in this place we call ~work~!!


  1. Readers digest story. Actually, you could write a book..... something to think about when you retire. You could call it "Memoires of the Queen Secretary" Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree, these stories are so cute. You know, the school is always looking for a fund raiser. Why not capture a hundred of these stories in a book and have them published. Sell them back to the parents who love to hear stories about their dear little ones.

    What fun.

  3. what a great story Donna!


  4. I have always believed that there is a potential novel waiting to be written by those who spend their working life in school offices. You have, and always had, the skills and the necessary empathy.... why don't you go for it?
