Tuesday, May 11, 2010

One Funny Day

I have so many blogs to write... but I had to pop this one in today. It was just a funny day.

First off, I was very determined today to accomplish a lot. I will be away from school for the next three days due to some in-servicing for a new Data Base program for next year. This is very stressful for me.. since I like to be in total control of my world and everyone else's! Linda and I were quiet, heads down, hard at it... plugging away at little projects and big ones. On a normal day there is a constant flow of little ones coming in the office for snacks, for bandaids, for calls to home. Some bear little notes from teachers who are looking for something. Others come because of behaviour issues, either in the classroom or on the playground. But today, the morning was unusually quiet. We forged ahead, heads down, both in our own little worlds. Recesses came and went with a few interruptions but then it was quiet again... awesome day!

It was shortly after the noon hour recess began that we had our first incident.. with a young fellow falling on a pole and receiving one of the biggest goose egg bumps I have seen in a while. He arrived at the office with his brave but scared face covered with his hand.. and we quickly sat him down, and applied ice. This young fella had a constant round of visitors from the playground to see if he was alright.. Next came several normal scraps, bumps and bug bite needs.
Just as I was about to sit down for the 10th time.. I hear coming down the hall... yelling... and it was coming fast. I got up to see what was happening.. and before I could take a step.. a young blond boy flew in the office, rounded the corner down my hallway and headed into the STAFF washroom... all the while yelling. He was going so fast, I couldn't really make out what he was saying and only understood once he had completely gone by me.
He was yelling... "I have to PEEEEE"... "I have to PEEEE". Once it registered, I rushed down the hall to be of assistance... but just like the Streaker Song..... I was too late. And so was he. The entire front of his little jeans were dark blue with "wet". I redirected him back out to the hall and to the children's bathroom and asked him if he still needed to pee.. and he indicated yes.
I got him safely to the washroom, but by the time I got to my desk, I heard this ungodly yelling, coming from the bathroom.. so off I go. The poor little guy couldn't get his belt undone... geesh.. so I stood in the boys washroom door and helped him get his belt undone.. and I watched him make his way into the stall to finish what he needed to do. Before he rounded the corner of the stall I was treated to the view of his little butt as he unceremoniously yanked down his jeans, undies and all.
He spent the next 30 minutes with me, sitting in a plastic chair, coloring and singing, while he waited for his Grammie to come with new clothes! I would like to add that this little guy from grade 1, came in the doors from the playground, passed his classroom which has a bathroom, ran down a long hallway, to make it to the office to use our bathroom.. for whatever reason.!

The afternoon was not nearly as quiet, but flew by, just the same.. and then it was bus dismissal. One little one couldn't find her sister, and as she reported to me that her sister was not where she was suppose to be, her lip quivered with bravery and fear. We called the classroom, we called the bus lines outside. She explained to me that she and her sister always walk home together. They were in Primary and One. She and I walked outside and walked to the crossing guard to see if he saw her sister. Just as we got to him, the little girl spotted her dad, driving a van towards us. She bolted from my grip and ran out on the road.. giving me, the crossing guard and her dad heart attacks. Apparently, her sister walked home without her today. GEESH!

Got lots done today.. but had to stay until 6:00pm to get it done...


  1. I got to peeeee! You know, all that comes back after you are 55.

    Love the funny stories even though some of them aren't funny when you are in them in the moment that is..

  2. You know you only had a quiet morning 'cause I wasn't there!! lol! Three days without you!?!? ugh!

  3. Oh my heavens, how I remember those days from A.E.E.S.

  4. Helloooooo. We out here in blogland miss you. What is your password. Seems to me that after three weeks, somebody is supposed to hijack your blog and write something in it. How about it CPM.... Sound familiar.

  5. I'm missing it too Donna! Can't wait for next year when I get to see and hear the events that you describe so vividly in person!
    Any funny stories to share?!
