Monday, November 1, 2010

National Novel Writing Month

Yup... again. Although, I called it National November Writing Month last year. . But the proper name is NaNoWriMo. What is NaNoWriMo..... this is one explanation . There are lots of versions of it... a facebook version, a blogger version... and even a word count version. I attempted it last year and got 25 out of 30 days done. I was going good until I got sick with H1N1.

Stephanie writes 750 words a day... not just in November... I don't even know what 750 words looks like... but I am pretty sure, I don't have that much to say. She has been journaling since she was very young... and I have been too. I can remember keeping notes on a calendar since I was 16.. and the day I got lice I was so embarrassed I couldn't even write the words.. I just drew pictures on my calendar. I don't have those calendars anymore and I am mad at myself for throwing them out at some point. I wrote small snippets through the kids baby hood times, and on and off during the toddler years. I have kept gratitude journals... I have written journals to get me through some teenage years... mostly full of questions and observations, not very positive ones either. I threw those out a few years ago.. who needs to remember those days.

I began blogging about 5 years ago... in My Space... I only blogged there for a year, and then stopped. I didn't start this one until late 2006 thanks to Jill. She started on Blogger and I got the bug.. and have been going strong (ish) every since. This blog has become a resource for me to look back and see what we did and when it happened. I have looked up the White Juan, the year we had a snow storm for Easter... when pets died... and who went where for what vacation. I write this blog for me, for my family and those friends who care to pop in and see whats happening in my life.

Welcome to National Novel (ok, blog) Writing Month.


  1. My 750 words are done at, a nice little barebones website that uses Facebook to log in. They give you badges for writing consistently, or without distractions, or only in the morning, etc, which is pretty helpful.
    October is the first month I managed to write every day, though. I considered it training for NaNo, which is the kind of thing that I need to work up to, especially the "don't go back and edit" part. I've attempted NaNo before but I've never won. This is the year!

  2. I am so thankful for your blog!
    It makes me laugh, smile, cheer and celebrate the many blessings in life. So glad that you are sharing your writings with others....
