Thursday, January 20, 2011

Home Grown

We had breakfast for supper the other night and it was a home grown meal. I buy my eggs from two different families who have chickens who are producing eggs. I love getting farm fresh eggs with their bright yellow yolks and they varied sizes and colors! It was particularly funny to open this carton of eggs when they arrived at my office!!!
We had home grown eggs, home made bread from Kay and ham from Meadowbrook Meat Market outside of Berwick.
Breakfast for supper... yum.


  1. Oh man, are they all the same type of chicken.... so different!

  2. Yum, I love breakfast for supper, and it's the best with fresh farm eggs!

  3. The picture colour doesn't do it justice because there's green, white AND brown eggs in there! I love getting them too! Are your suppliers the Robar's and the Brown's? Yummy Yummy!
    I've become such an egg snob now! Store bought won't do!!! lol! Who would have thunk it from this city girl!
