Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring? Is that you.

Feb 2, Ground Hog Day. We had a small mountain of snow covering my little pond garden in the front yard.
March 2, the small mountain was still there. No February thaw.
March 17th.... all gone. We had a crazy two week melt! I love it.
Iris are poking their noses out of the ground. Imagine. Brave little souls!
Happy Spring


  1. Love seeing those little shoots coming up.

  2. Can't wait for the snow to be gone :)! So soon ours will also be melted away too! <3

  3. It's coming on strong in NC.. I know you are happy the snow is gone..

  4. Yay! I love spring and I love that our snow has melted and we can put away winter clothing and start to work in the yard again!
    :) Debbie
