Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I have a *sniff sniff* ... code....

Its my first cold since Nov 2009.  I have had the odd sniffle (not that I remember any, but I must have)... but this is my first honest to goodness, head pounding, nose running, dry mouthed, chest hugging cold since I had H1N1. I have forgotten how foggy and miserable one feels when you have a cold.. and I promise to be more sympathetic to those who get a cold in the future.  In the words of my friend Debbie.... "when you have a cold or the flu... all you want it to feel normal again!".   So true.

Now, I am not sure if it's the foggy brain, or the general "unorganized state" of my sewing room but I have lost a gold tin can that my sister gave me last Xmas (or birthday).  In it was a large number of hexagon cut pieces of fabric. Each bit of fabric is cut around a particular print that highlights something interesting (to a kid and a grown up) and its the makings of an "I spy" quilt that I will start for Jack so that he will enjoy it maybe in the spring.
this is my goal, to make one just like this one in the picture, but with maybe a yellow background... with lots of trucks and Elmo's and kitties and doggies... and birds and cows...
My sister has made a few of these, and I even made one years and years ago but not this detailed.  I am excited to start working on one for Jack that is personalized to the things he likes.
Problem is... I can't find the Gold Tin... and the really sad part it.... its the second time I have lost it!  When Gail needed a few extra shapes for a BIG project she is working on and I knew that I wouldn't be using all the pinks and barbies and girlie things in my I spy.. so I told her I would sort through my tin.  Well.... after a month of searching.. I found it... I sorted it out... and I tucked it away.
So, tonight.. with a pounding head, a dry dry mouth... a painful cough and flannel pyjamas on... I am tearing my house apart to look for the tin again!

I will keep you posted...


  1. I hope you find your tin... and I hope you feel better soon. My daughter makes quilts and she has made I spy quilts for her grandchildren. I would love to see yours when you get it done. Feel better!!

  2. I have three things that I've put away and can't find. I am trying not to look for them any more in hopes that I will just come across them. One of the items has been put away for over a year and still not turned up. I thought I would find them when looking for my newest lost items... tee hee... we must be related...
