Sunday, August 26, 2007

The end of the Summer for me

this is it.... back to routine. Making lunches for myself, Terry and Dad.. ironing work clothes, making supper menus, housework in the evenings, laundry on the weekends..... how luck am I that I have a job that allows me to take a break from all that routine for 7 weeks in the summer. YIpeeeeeee...

We took the kids back to St. FX on Thursday. A sad day for me, but in a way, a bit fun too. They were exciting to go but sad to leave. Nice that they still are sad to leave. We felt the same.

We moved Scott into his new apartment that he is sharing with 5 others, and at first glance, his room seemed fairly small, but it has a surprisingly large amount of storage in it, and turned out to be a pretty cool room. See Scott's blog for his "unpacked" room. This shot is the before picture. We didn't stick around for the unpacking. I thought it would take him all weekend, but he was unpacked mostly by the next day.Then we moved Michelle into a temporary dorm room, because her beloved "house" is under renovations, and won't be ready until next week. This is the back side of Bishops house, under construction.She is off to RA camp this week (sort of like a Leadership Camp) for all the residence assistants. She has big plans for the camp, and she and I worked on, and practiced the dance from Micheal Jackson's "Thriller", so she and her RA's can perform it for the talent night. She msn'd me late last night to let me know that the RA's love the dance and are very excited to perform it. I wish I could be there to see it. We added our own little twists to it. Michelle got the idea from the movie "13 Going on 30", and then after some research we found a few "wedding" versions, yes believe it or not, performed at weddings... hee hee. Scott will be on his own for the weekend at his new digs, but has lots to do. We spent Thursday afternoon doing some Walmart shopping for a new bed mattress for Scott and some grocery shopping. Scotts' very first grocery shopping experience. Well, he often did my grocery list for me, as he says he loves to grocery shop... so I couldn't resist embarrassing him a bit, and taking his pic in the grocery store. I thought his mom would love to see his big cart of stuff. He is such a good sport. Notice Michelle holding the long list and ticking off stuff as he got it. Good system... I need to try that... Just buy whats on the list!!! Of course, who ever writes "Oreo Cookies" on a grocery list, come on, really? Anyway, I have chatted with Scott the past few days on MSN and he loves his new place and things are going along as planned.


ok, I don't golf. But I am part of an elite bunch of cool golfers who participate in a fun tournament that happens late August for the past for years, usually close to the full moon. Its called the GLOW BALL tournament and we actually golf in a "best ball" kind of game, which starts around 9 pm. We have glow in the dark golf balls, and tons of glow stuff... and we are on teams of 3 to 4, and one or two brave souls drive the carts (in the total dark) and the rest of us chicken golfers walk the course... What a hoot..... Debbie and I were on the same team (thank God) and Dwight was our token driver... Ok, that's how the tournament works... but then its the fun of dressing up, glowing up the night. The commissionaire at the gates, just shook his head when we drove up, and told us to go ahead... he didn't question me. I guess he could tell where we were going!!!

Getting ready.... finding your team, getting your glow sticks in the balls, and on your carts... what fun. This was my 3rd year, and I had a ball. And I even made two putts... huge improvement over last year. So, now I think I might practice a bit before the next tournament in 364 days.


Scott said...

Tell Terry that I like his hat haha.

cpm said...

LOVE THE GOLF PICS! You do the funnest (sp?) things!
Glad to see all 3 of your kids are settled. What you are and Terry going to do now? hee!hee!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got a shot of Terry in his Magnum shirt.. .what a cool guy!! Luv and kisses... Albert