Saturday, March 3, 2012

I love Saturdays & Focaccia ... but I hate Februarys

Both statements above are true.. and I have mentioned it before... February seems to be a rough month for me... why... I have a theory. I came across a blog a few years ago that sort of described February as "February Crazies" and in my world.. it was bang on.

What is the February Crazy, you ask? Well, it is a lovely period of time that occurs annually each February. Its symptoms vary but may include any or all of the following:

1.*Irritability. ~not just me... everyone around me... people all around me are edgy, stressed and down right irritating... (or maybe its just me)
2.*Strong urges to run away and join the circus. These urges may also be experienced as desires to become a hippie or ride the rails or do a stint in a nunnery. My favourite... live on a lake, with no road in or out... only the lake. Can't get to me, can't find me...
3.*Feelings of guilt. Mainly because of the first two symptoms and also because of the feeling of not measuring up to what others expect...
4.*Sudden weeping. When irritability cannot overcome feelings of guilt, sudden emotional outbursts are common. Afterwards... Symptom #2. comes into play again, then #3... and back to #4...

The other problem with February... I just can't blog. I can't.. I tried.. it doesn't work. If I did blog.. it would be a miserable, complainy blog... and who needs that...

February is over.. done.. for another year.. and next year.. I won't blog either... I will plan it though, instead of spending the whole month of February feeling guilty about it... bah.. done... happy MARCH!

But today... we make Focaccia....
I was flipping through some emails and came upon my weekly email from Cooks Illustrated with a list of recipes they were highlighting on their show. Focaccia is about the only bread I have made that I feel successful in making, and they were highlighting some fine tuning of a old fashion recipe. After watching the 9 minute video, I felt I was prepared to attempt this fun and flavourful bread... all on my own..
I had to start with what they called a "Biga".. which is a small amount of flour, yeast and warm water, and let it sit for 24 hours... almost like a "dough starter" but way easier...
I can't link to the recipe because its a members only website.. and I can't publish the recipe either... but I can sure email you the recipe... if anyone wants it...

The bread turned out so flavourful and chewy and crispy and yummy... I will make it again... next weekend. My only complaint is the recipe called for kosher salt to be sprinkled on top of the olive oil.. and while I know I am not a fan of salt.. I did it anyway.. and blak.. I didn't like that part at all and won't do it again.. ewwww.. toooo salty and bitter. Terry thought it was great, but he enjoys the flavour of salt... .


  1. Love love love this!! Great bread Grammie!

  2. I think I now know why... IT IS Feb... but mine ran over into March... hope this feeling soon passes. Thanks for explaining!!

  3. Ooooh, I'd love to have the recipe Donna...
