Saturday, January 5, 2013

A typical Saturday Morning

I love Saturdays.  They are sometimes so busy and productive.. it makes your head spin.  Then other Saturdays are lazy and restful.

No matter what my Saturday will be like.. I can always bank on an early morning Skype call.. from my favorite little guy.. Jack.

We have been skyping since he was just 2 months old.. and he and I have a routine of wide mouthed funny face smiles at each other... some songs we enjoy together (If your Happy and you Know it Clap your hands, Itsy bitsy spider.. etc) and I even get to playpen babysit while Michelle is letting the dog out for a pee.  He shows me all the toys in his playpen.  I get tours of his books and proudly shown his fire truck, or a hammer... and I get to see the occasion temper tantrum and time out too.. 

When I am late for our date... I get a buzz or two from Michelle's phone... and that usually gets me up and off to my laptop (usually before 7 AM)

What is so fun, and so amazing is that from a very young age, Jack recognized the sound of Skype phoning me.. and makes a bee line to the computer to await my window to open.  Michelle taped him waiting for me to call... I love knowing he knows me!
This morning I got a tour of his new book with all kinds of textures and page by page he showed me all the cool things that you can feel in the book!
Typing to me... 
Having to reach farther to type to Grammie.. Mom keeps moving the laptop
My new book, A Snowman, with lots of cool textures.  Corrugated Cardboard arms... 
A great way to start my Saturday.. don't ya think!


  1. so cute... I couldn't see the movie..

  2. I could see the movie... loved this post... reminded me of Avery and my own skype dates.
