Sunday, January 6, 2013

Crystal Falls... 2013

I know if I dig deep enough I will find pictures of hikes to Crystal Falls from 1990 and every year since then.  But the trips to the falls stopped a few years ago... when the kids were grown and working most weekends; the ticks and blackflies were in full force (so we didn't take the dog or Terry).... and life was just too busy for family hikes.
Terry and I started doing some fun winter walking about a month ago.. and have really enjoyed the brisk cool walks.  No black flies and your never tooo hot!
Being a sunny Saturday, which I know is rare in Nova Scotia, we decided to give Crystal Falls a try.

 Well, hiking through snowy trails, broken only by skidoos is a hard walk and I forgot just how UPHILL the whole walk is!
 What a blast and we invited Debbie and Brian, who just got snowshoes for Christmas and are getting into some fun winter walking too.  They were happy to come along and Debbie trotted with her snow shoes the whole walk.  I have never owned the new kind and they look really way better than the old ones we used in our younger days... I am tempted to get some.
Funny how I look like a giant next to Debbie... she looks so tiny!  hee hee, the magic of cameras!

so, you can't tell, but this is VERY steep uphill walking

At the top of the falls.... windy and cool here.  No where to stop and snack.  Next time we will take the bridge route and climb down the big hill to the falls...

What do you mean, we have only gone 3 kms... 
What a great day, and makes for a perfect Saturday.  Napping after a 6 km walk is pretty sweet too!  Another great thing to do on a Saturday!

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