so... I have been researching what could possibly be the secret involving cross eyed. My sister said last week that she had a secret... and the clue was that it involved something cross eyed. It was for me.... and I just couldn't think of it....
A new baby?
A cross eyed Eagle?
A cross eyed Cat?
a cross eyed evil looking cat?

Or maybe a side by side, front loading washer and dryer set.

I answered the phone and it was Sears.. They needed to make a delivery to my house and wanted to know when I would be available. When I asked what they were delivering, they told me it was a gift....
After some intense questioning on my part, and some intense pussyfooting around on there part, I managed to get out of them that it was a gift from my sister Gail, and my brother Tracy. More heated and intense questioning uncovered.... it was a front loading washer and dryer, complete with pedestals and a work station!
The delivery will happen tomorrow and I am more than excited. Somehow, my very perseptive sister figured out by using my 1976 Magtag washer, that I might be needing something a little newer. Its works really well, but some would think its a little old. Because it actually doesn't fit into my environmentally friendly way of living (because of its large amount of water consumption), I was planning on replacing it. But it was next in line after paying university bills, a wedding, a bathroom upgrade and a new stove.
I was so surprised and absolutely giddy when I found out, I had to call my sister right away. I haven't been talking to my brother, because he is a cell phone carrier and its hard to get him, but hopefully tonight. I ruined her surprise by all my questions to Sears but I couldn't wait a week to find out and being in a rural area, we only get delivery once a week. We were both pretty giddy on the phone, and that was more fun than gruelly the poor Sears lady who felt terrible because she was giving away the surprise.
I will take pictures of the actual "Cross Eyed" pair when it comes in tomorrow!!! It is not the set above, that was the only picture I could find....
You are a good detective... no getting anything by you is there.
I want everyone to know that both Tracy and I really appreciated all you did for Dad. You say it was nothing, but we both know different. You lovingly took dad to all his appointments, cooked all that restricted food, and even remodeled your house. So anyway, while Tracy was home, we conspired to buy you something nice that you would really like. We hope you love your new energy effient cross-eyed pair.
What a wonderful gift. Enjoy!!
WOW! What a great sister (and brother!) You'll LOVE the pair I'm sure!!!
Donna, I so love reading your blog! You will love your new cross-eyed pair...I have one, too!
OMG! I have washer and dryer envy! Your family loves you a lot.No one deserves a treat more than you.
You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view
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