So this was the year... the first Easter in 21 years that we wouldn't have a hunt. I had been threatening a "no more hunting" Easter for the last 7 years. You know.... the kids were too old for this stuff.. and frankly... so was I. But then... well, when Michelle got her drivers licence, we figured .... how fun would it be to have a "driving" Road Rally Easter Hunt... and then, well, GPS technology came into being.. and we had to have one or two, or was it three of those kinds of hunts... with cars, and on foot... and then Sean came for Easter for the first time.. and we had to have a hunt with Sean, and then last year.. well, it was the last Easter that Stephanie was going to be home for a while... soooo ............... this Easter... no hunting.
Michelle told me that she didn't want any chocolate.... she works in Chocolate and sweetness every day.. and Scott felt the same (sort of). They didn't want little foolish gifts either. Easter Morning together as a family was all they wanted. So.. I was game for this.
But then something fun happened. Sort of a transition.... we had company for Easter. My sister in law, Kim and her youngest Caleigh spent the weekend with us. Last year, during March Break, Caleigh helped me come up with the clues for the Hunt we had
last year. How could I let this Easter go by without planning a hunt for her. Michelle and Scott, who are new to the "planning stage" as well as Kim, who is new to our kind of "Easter Hunt" all assisted in this special morning.
A pair of bunny ears, and one lonely little note was all that met Caleigh on Easter Morning. She had to wait until everyone had gotten up and was sitting contently on the couch with coffees in hand before she could open the note.

The note explained that she had to solve the clues to find the eggs. In each egg was a puzzle piece, a clue to the next egg's location. Also, with the egg, was a gift.. for someone else. Clues included "wear clothes go to get toasty warm"....

Yup. the dryer. Lame, I know.. but its not as easy as one would think to come up with clues!
In the dryer, hides a gift for Michelle... a Birdfeeder, just so you know.

After 6 eggs, 6 gifts and 6 puzzle pieces.... Caliegh had to put together the puzzle which had a X marking the spot as to where the last treasure (her Easter Gift) might be!
Hum... outside, me thinks... and off she goes, with slippers, bunny ears and pajamas on, she head out to where X marks the spot!
Can you see the treasure?

It was so fun to plan a Easter Hunt for someone who has never had one, and even better still, to have Michelle and Kim to help me plan it.

It was our first Easter without Stephanie at home with us but with skype, it was fun to spend an evening chatting with her and visiting with her new cat Atticus... Also it was our first Easter with Lucy. She even got a little treat from the Easter Bunny.
As always, Easter is a lot about the food, and this year, Scott made the ham and I made the potato and veggie. Scott tried his mom's recipe and I must say, it was tender, sweet and not salty.... I loved it! Thanks Scottie