....... this is the motto of our curling team. We curl together for social enrichment and a little bit of exercise. We are not a "die hard" competitive team although we do try to improve our own skill at the game. The end result of a game is not a priority.
The ultimate display of our motto was never more evident as it was this weekend at the Yarmouth Curling Club. I spent the weekend with my DREAM TEAM as well as with another great team from our Greenwood club.
The weekend was perfect in every way... with 6 end games (exercise, but not too long); we had the "bi" on Friday night, which meant no curling on Friday night when we arrive... just the social part! Perfection on Saturday with a 9:30AM game (the usual start on a Saturday is 8AM!!!)... two games, both very close games... but we won them both!!!
Yummy home cooked meals for all our eating needs.... home made seafood chowder, chicken veggie soup (ok.. not all perfect... there was peas in the veggie soup). Supper was home made spagetti sauces... 4 different kinds to chose from.... Ceasar Salad... cakes and fudge!!!
The theme of the bonspiel was "BC - The Stone Age" and the decorations and skits were geared towards "The Flintstones". In preparing for the weekend, we all organized our food situation for our hotel stay, and car trip there, (me bringing the coffee, tea, etc, someone brought fruit, others brought sandwiches..etc). The sad part is we just couldn't come up with a costume idea. Our accompanying team always dresses up in AMAZING costumes... and we just felt we would never measure up to their quality. But once we got there, and got the creative juices flowing... we came up with our own version of the "Stone Age". We hit the dollar store after our second game and filled a shopping cart with tons of items for our costumes which included shirts, safety pins, scarves, paper, tape, markers, funky glasses and moss... yes, moss. I will show you our costumes... which were fun, and funny... and then treat you to the other teams take on the Stone Age!!
Patsy, Cricket, Debbie & Donna
If you look close, you will see, pinned to our shirts, what we needed the paper and moss for.. as well as the safety pins. We spent an hour in our hotel room, 4 middle age women, trying to roll joints using note paper and decorative moss!!! We laughed at the foolishness of it... and we giggled all the way to the curling supper.... wondering what the reaction of the ladies at the club would be.
And now let me present to you... the mega talented Greenwood Team of Sandra, Deena, Lisa and Caroline! We had a fabulous weekend with this group.. and our final game.. A Division play offs... were against this nutty group. It was a nice close game which ended in them beating us by one rock, or should I just say we were "Stoned" by them~!
Another small "perfection" about the weekend was that we travelled 2 hours there, 2 hours back, spent the whole weekend there... and the weather was perfect. Imagine... January, no less.
A great weekend Yarmouth... can't wait til April when Greenwood Curling Club will be hosting....
1970 Disco bonspiel!!!.