Friday, September 28, 2007
The time has come
Thank you so much to EVERYONE who donated money, online and in person. I am so touched by , encouraged by and proud of the kindness of the people in my circle. I have raised with everyone's generosity over $650 dollars towards the fight. Sandra is a little shy, and very swamped with her full life, so I have shared some of my donations with her, so she can get her numbers up. I am sure my friends won't mind and it give Sandra a good kick start to raise money for next year.
Moving on, but same subject... Sandra will be arriving her this evening and we will spend our evening getting caught up on all the family happenings. Tomorrow, we will spend the day cruising the valley, and maybe picking up some produce (apples, potatoes and pumpkins) for her to take back since she lives in a city where that kind of stuff isn't on every road side or corner, like it is here in the valley. There is a craft fair in Middleton which is the most amazing event of the fall so we may do that. Wheatons, for lunch, for sure...that's a given. Early Sunday morning we will make the 2 hour trip to the city for our long awaited Run for the Cure. Think of us at 10 am on Sunday morning, as we wait as the start line.... hand in hand... ready to burst forward with all the runners... hee hee. That is funnier than you can know. We are not runners, but we will start with it, for sure. Next year..... we will run the full 5k, but this year... we will do what we can!
My garden is dying off. We were overrun with cherry tomatoes, and I will pick them until the frost. But we are getting a bit tired of them. My beans are dying out and drying up. I will post pictures later, as my camera is on the missing list right at the moment, but I know where it is. I just can't get to it for a bit.
Stay tuned for pics from the Run on Sunday, and any other fun thing I may come across this weekend!!!
Thanks again to all of you for your support...
Sunday, September 16, 2007

I have been touched, only through friends, by breast cancer. I have 7 friends, or friends family members who have survived breast cancer. Not without some suffering, and/or loss. I also know 3, who did not survive. My good friend Lynn Main has seen both spectrums. Her mom survived breast cancer in the days (25 years ago) when it was almost impossible to survive. She underwent the most horrific treatments and she still survives today. She is in her 90’s. But sadly, in the spring, Lynns’ young daughter-in-law died from Breast Cancer, leaving behind her husband and two young children. My Aunt Sherry fought for 4 years, and lost her battle just over a year ago. But, so many do survive. My first time participating in the Run for the Cure, most participants in the run wore white T-shirts, with pink ribbon logos. But so many wore bright pink shirts, and I didn’t make the connection until the opening ceremonies, when it was announced that the men and women in bright pink are indeed SURVIVORS of Breast Cancer.. I was immediately filled with hope for the future of my friends, my self, and my daughters. How lucky are we, that the odds are shifting to surviving this cancer. My mind goes to Lynn Winter’s sister, who has recently survived treatments and is cancer free. Jane Bustin, Sandra Cathcart, Anne Clinch, and Cindy Benton who are all leading normal lives after being cancer free for a couple of years. But not without hard work, research and money. This is why the RUN FOR THE CURE is so dear to me. Breast Cancer affects every one of us. Men, women and children, all over the world. I participate every year, to help raise money to further research. You can’t help but be overwhelmed with the hope, the joy when your there, and the gratitude to all the people who participate and the people like you who support those that do participate.
This year, my cousin Sandra and I made a pact to participate every year. A personal goal, to get in better shape, to stay in great shape, and raise the bar each year. We will walk/run this year, and next year, we are going to Fredericton, to run it with my sister (who’s been a real inspiration to me in her running efforts).
Check out my Run for the Cure website page if you would like to donate on line to support Sandra and I. If you are not comfortable to donate on line, I will have a pledge sheet at work. This years’ run is on Sept 30th, and if you would like me to write the names of anyone on their wall of Hope, just let me know. I will be happy and proud to.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
A week to Celebrate!!!!
Commissionaires Meritorious Service Medal
Commissionaire Frank Peters
After serving for 21 years in the Canadian Forces, Cmre Peters joined

Late one winter evening, while escorting a female employee to her car, Cmre Peters witnessed three men assaulting another man, kicking him as he lay on the ground. Cmre Peters approached the men and challenged them, risking attack himself. Fortunately, the attackers fled. Cmre Peters then administered First Aid to the victim and called the authorities.
Cmre Peters intervened in a potentially dangerous situation in which he was outnumbered and put himself at serious risk. In doing so however, he saved the victim from serious injury or possible death. In recognition of his bravery, Cmre Peters has been awarded the Commissionaire Distinguished Service Medal, which is presented to him "in recognition of meritorious service above and beyond the faithful performance of duty, which involves an element of bravery or of personal risk".

Congratulations Frank, you deserve it, because on that night, you truly didn't give your safety one thought.... you thought of the poor young man, who was down on the ground, and was helpless against three thugs. We love you Frank...
Terry's beautiful sister Kelly, her amazing hubby,

Sunday, September 9, 2007
A Hole in ONE

Saturday, September 8, 2007

My tomatoes were very successful this year,

My Garden today....

Sonny still enjoys his new spot

Monday, September 3, 2007
September... and the nights are cooler
1. The bottom of the campfire bowl is really hot, and it burns the flesh of your BARE toes, really quickly.
2. I shouldn't go around the yard, or house in bare feet. I have injured my feet a total of 6 times this summer, due to not wearing shoes. So I am trying to wear shoes around especially when I am outside.
3. Michelle's room is a hideaway for all my socks!!! Amazing.

We had a good laugh when we saw that. Our last 15 minutes of the ride we were treated to one of those moments were you just stand back and reflect on nature. We came upon one deer feeding in the grass and we stood quietly watching. While we watched, another deer, a fawn joined her. Then another fawn, and then shortly afterwards another Deer and her baby.
They acknowledged us, and continued eating. We watched them for quite a while. What a gift.
A little side note to the blog. Sonny, my old boy, has found a new place to sleep. He changes his spot on a weekly basis. Over the summer, he has taken to sleeping under my car, on Scotts dresser, on a red shirt outside the bathroom door, on the computer table in Stephanie's room, and this is the new one since yesterday.
He chooses a spot and then sleeps there every chance he can for about a week or two. Cats.....