The Pileated Wood Pecker. This big boy comes to visit this particular tree at this time every year. When he comes, I always think of my old friend Wayne Harris. Wayne walked by my house one day about 15 years ago and my woodpecker friend and his mate were quite content to scurry up and down the tree for about an hour. Wayne stood on the street and watched them for quite a long time. He was a nature lover and all its creatures were precious, but mostly he loved wild birds. I wasn't home that day, but Wayne was so excited to tell me about them the next day at work. He was amazed at their size and with the thoroughness of the job they do on my tree (whatever it is they do). I sort of have this same picture about every second year, as they truly do come back every year. Whenever they came, I made sure that I told Wayne about it at work the next day. He was the kind of person that made you feel like YOU were amazing because these woodpeckers chose my tree to feed on every year.
Monday, September 29, 2008
A Shy Visitor-a warm memory
The Pileated Wood Pecker. This big boy comes to visit this particular tree at this time every year. When he comes, I always think of my old friend Wayne Harris. Wayne walked by my house one day about 15 years ago and my woodpecker friend and his mate were quite content to scurry up and down the tree for about an hour. Wayne stood on the street and watched them for quite a long time. He was a nature lover and all its creatures were precious, but mostly he loved wild birds. I wasn't home that day, but Wayne was so excited to tell me about them the next day at work. He was amazed at their size and with the thoroughness of the job they do on my tree (whatever it is they do). I sort of have this same picture about every second year, as they truly do come back every year. Whenever they came, I made sure that I told Wayne about it at work the next day. He was the kind of person that made you feel like YOU were amazing because these woodpeckers chose my tree to feed on every year.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Harvest Continues.....
Tons of beans growing and a few pods are drying nicely.
My beloved Saturday was spent making juice from all my grapes. 3 quarts of grapes equals 12 cups of grapes without the stems. Add half a cup of water, one over active potato masher, & 10 minutes boiling on the stove. Then strain for an hour through an old sock (kidding, I bought a jelly bag draining thingy) and you get..... ta da... 4 cups of grape juice.
Then you add 7 cups of sugar, more boiling.. and ta da.... Grape jelly. I made 8 batches of grape juice, and from that I made 4 batches of Jelly. I have 17 more cups of juice in my fridge. I ran out of jars. I love making Jams and Jellies. Not so fun making the darn juice.. but again, I really like making Jams and Jellies... so... gotta do what ya gotta do.
I may go to the Canadian Tire and buy more jars and some sugar and then sell the jars of jelly at school. Maybe as a fundraiser for "The run for the Cure". Sadly I won't be participating in that this year. I am expecting company next weekend and didn't have the heart to tell them they couldn't come. But, my sister is running in it, so I can give the money to her.
I am having a tough time with my lids for my jelly though. Out of 32 jars of jelly, 6 of them didn't seal properly. You know, they didn't suck down into the jar. I am not sure why, but I will give those away right away so they will get into fridges right away. Sort of annoyed me...
My Jelly.... a very blurring picture, I am afraid, but you get it... lots of jelly. the purple jars on the right are "no sugar" freezer Jelly. I had some on my toast this morning... sort of OK, but not as good as the real stuff.!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A Fall Harvest
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Saturday... my favorite day


Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
6.2 lbs
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The end of an ERA..
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Random Notes
Some cute quotes from school... a little fellow wanted to call home because he didn't feel well. When I enquired what his ailment might have been, he said he thought he might be in a "Growth Spurt". Words directly from his mom don't ya think?
I have a "Follower". How cool is that. Ann the Ancient One figured out how to be a follower and it shows up on my blog... hee hee ..... Well, I am a Queen, and even though I don't have my own country... I have a follower. Thanks Ann for making my day.
I am camping this weekend.. with the Paynes and the Griffs. Bring the kayaks.... maybe the bikes....the dice for sure. we have already planned who's cooking which meal, and the rules still stand in my rule book that the kids do the dishes so Meliegha and her friend better bring rubber gloves since they will be the only "kids" there... heeeeeeee hhahahhaaaaaa
There are changes coming to my house. My bathroom was built along with my house in the 1970's. Its tub, sink, floor and counter are that Sea Foam color from the 70's. I have never liked this color but just couldn't ever afford to change all the big pieces in the throne room. But... like bell bottoms and platform shoes, apparently "Sea Foam" is back in. So, my friend Paula has come to spend time in my bathroom, with plans to give it a face lift. She has come twice, and is now on a little vacation in the USA and she has my bathroom in her mind. She is excited and so am I. She is a natural at these things, and last year she told me that my bathroom colors were coming back in, so now she is going to "modernize" without changing all those colors! below is the before pic. After paint, and a few changes, and additions, I will post the new and bearable bathroom!

Sunday, September 7, 2008
I had the utmost pleasure of getting a tour of a young mom's home, when Linda and I picked up her two children for a trip to Avery's for ice cream. This young family consists of a young single mom of two, who lives on Social Assistance, and has had the uplifting experience of moving out of a disgusting hell hole, into a bigger ground floor apt, with new carpet and kitchen floors. It has 3 bedrooms and heat included in the rent, as well as room for her washer and dryer. She was so proud of her new apt, and the kids were high on excitement to show us all their belongings and there very own rooms. The young boy was thrilled and proud to show us the box of hot wheels cars he owned and his sponge bob bedroom ensemble. His older sister showed me her great big room with her mountains of clothes. Each room had minimal furniture, no wall hangings, pictures or knick knacks. Just a bed and broken dressers in each room. This young mom is doing the absolute best she can, and is 4 steps above what she was raised in. This move did more for mom than the kids, filling her with pride in her home, the feeling of taking good care of her kids, and it was easy to see her lifted spirits in how she is taking care of herself now. Being invited in to their home was definitely the highlight of my weekend, and the shared ice cream later on with her two kids was second best!