Monday, October 27, 2008
Chakra Colors....

Saturday, October 25, 2008
A Fall Drive
Friday, October 24, 2008
Knitting 101
I find knitting long, boring and complicated. I like knitted things.. but I NEVER fail to appreciate and admire any knitted item.... because I KNOW how much time and patience goes into knitting it!
That being said.... I started a pair of socks.... BiRKEN"SOCKS.".. you know.. big funny socks that you wear with your birkenstocks... well, actually, I have made about 5 pairs over the past few years but... I started a pair on our trip to Ontario.. just Terry and I in the car. The trip was in the summer of 2007. I knit one entire sock on the way up to Ontario and started the second sock on the way back. then I drove a lot of the way back and therefore didn't knit much. That was 16 months ago...
In cleaning up my room the other day... you know, one of those DEEP cleans... I found the finished sock, and the unfinished sock. they are BUTT ugly... but funny to wear camping or something. I am going to finish the second sock... and have I told you .... I HATE knitting... well I do..
but I am going to finish it!
This is the first finished sock and
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Frostie froggie

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The End of the Season

Monday, October 20, 2008
will you do me a favor....
Every year she makes a quilt top and donates it to a church, where they quilt it all winter and then raffle it off to make money...
This year, she took pictures at a quilt show of some of the quilts she would like to make and donate to the church. she can't choose and she has asked that all my friends go to her blog and post a comment on her blog as to which quilt you like. Any of the quilts on that page of her blog.. not just the last 4...
she needs some opinions....
thank you friends!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Adventure... what do you call adventure!
Terry stood there and grumbled and paced for 5 minutes and then we braved the roads and went to Canadian Tire to get is repaired. We had first decided we were going kayaking anyway, and would risk the nail, but then Terry touched the nail and hissing started! So, we decided we would get it fixed.. Of course, Terry doesn't have any love for our Canadian Tire, and was sooooo sure they wouldn't have any tires or time to fix it... and I was trying to make light of his hatred for the store... but alas, no tires and no mechanics on Saturdays... after noonhour! ugh....
We drove home and on the way home Terry suggested that we drive to N.M. to the Canadian Tire there... that is 30 minutes on the highway... now the tire was hissing in our driveway... can you imagine on a 30 minute drive going 100km.... So I packed my cellphone and my camera and off we went on our adventure....
The colors in the valley are spectacular and my camera, through the car windows, going 110, with a hissing tire, just didn't do the colors justice. But we did see the "Walker". Any of you who live in the valley know
this guy. This fella is about 70 years old, and walks the highway everyday with those walking poles and he walks pretty darn fast. If that isn't funny enough, the look on his face as he's walking is incredible. His teeth are totally bared and gritted together like he was snarling at an enemy. The fact is, I think that is his smile!
Well our adventure ended safely in the parking lot of the NM Canadian Tire, they had 4 new tires for us (it was time for new tires anyway) they were on sale, and they put them on in less than 40 minutes. Just long enough for Terry and I to wonder the mall hand in hand, buying nothing but browsing lots. We looked at artwork and shoes (for him), range hoods and bathroom mirrors. We shopped at the NM Sobeys which was an adventure since I haven't been there in at least 2 years. We have shopped more in Halifax than we every have in NM even though its 30 minutes away... geesh.
There was groups selling 50/50 tickets for the high school, and another group selling pumpkins for the Children's Wish foundation. There was a BBQ for a dance group and a market of veggies in the parking lot. Even though it wasn't as "adventurous" as cave walking or bungee jumping, it was still really fun.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Basket fun
The 25 year old cat scratching post was the BIGGEST hit of the weekend. So much fun that Mick and Scott took it home with them. This post has been around since our first cat Cindy in the early 80's, and its sat at the top of our stairs for 20 years until the new floors came in. Pika was excited to see the post come back out of the closet but was less than thrilled to see the little kittens on it. the kittens didn't take long to learn how to climb it, and they played on it for hours, and they also snoozed on it several times a day..
Our basket on the table has been tons of entertainment for our own cats over the years and the kittens were equally thrilled with it, for playing in and snoozing.And several times a day we brought them outside, both front and back yards to play in the "wilderness". Pretty funny for us, and really fun for them.
Mollie slept soundly for hours after they left. I don't think she could quite relax while they were zooming around the house, and she barked constantly at them while they rough housed! Its very quiet here now....
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Breaking with tradition.. building new routines

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Our newest family member!
Terry and I started our marriage with two little hamsters, Rodney and Magnum (both girls, but we didn't know that when we got them) Terry bought me the hamsters for Xmas before we got married. Then came our first cat, that Terry also brought home. At one point in our married life we had 5 cats and two dogs, a guinea pig and fish, along with 2 daughters and my dad all under one roof. Our house is relatively empty now, with just Mollie, Pika, Terry and I. Oh, and a few fish in a tiny tank on the kitchen counter.

So, back to what I started with... our kids have been surrounded by pets and therefore its not surprising that they have started their "independent" lives surrounded by pets.
Stephanie has two sweet cats, Paralax and Tonks. They are different from each other, just like any siblings.... one is loving and nosy, the other is shy and mysterious. She has had up to four cats living in her apt but she didn't own them all.

Michelle and Scott couldn't wait for the time when they would have their own place and one of the reasons was to get their own pets. They were limited to what they could own, as the landlord had pretty strict rules and they decided on guinea pigs. With careful planning, research and good timing, they purchased their pigs locally and perfectly timed for when they moved in. I am sure you have seen pics of these little gaffers and they are still babies, learning not to bite or pee on you. Over the summer though, they began to notice that several of their apt neighbours had kitty cats in their windows. It started to really bother Scott, who, as you know, totally loves our cats. He started to get down right bitter that their landlord made them jump through hoops in order to "allow" them to have little pigs in their apt.
This, coupled with her own desire to own a cat, prompted Michelle to pull a little surprise for Scott. She found a sweet little kitten on Kijiji, and started making her plan. the kitten was too young to leave her mom yet,