Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Are you ready?
I have written a blog about this week so many times and it just doesn't come out right. So here is my take on things. This week, our family lost, yet another member. My second father in law, (my mother in law's common law hubby). Pudgy has been a part of my family for 24 years. On Monday, at the age of 56, he passed away suddenly, while waiting in line at the drug store to make some purchases. He was on his lunch hour from work, after having lunch with a few of his co-workers.
Shock vibrated through his friends and family for the first few days. I spent my time trying to remember what we talked about the last time I saw him. I wished I had hugged him good bye that day. But we did stand in the kitchen and laugh about something... which is just what I hoped we had done for our last conversation.
The rest of the week has been finding things... you know, at 56, your not really thinking your going to die. So your paperwork is sort of everywhere in the house. We had to collect all kinds of items from all kinds of locations. And actually, Pudgy kept very little paper work. He didn't keep old bills, or old income tax stuff...
For me, this is the 3rd memorial service in 10 months and the third father figure to die suddenly in our family. These sort of events start a person to think about how ready am I. When my dad died, he was very organized and had everything in a book, in a box, in his room. His banking was organized and his wishes were known. Terry's dad was also organized, and his wife Marie and he had talked about things since Frank had battled cancer the year before and this gave them a kick start to get things in order. This newest death is my kick start. "Pudgy" (nickname from childhood) wasn't ready, and who would be at 56. Besides thinking I need to enjoy life more, I also need to get papers organized and wills updated, etc.
My friend Linda gave me this list just a month ago, and its been hanging on my fridge ever since. I am typing it up for all of us to look at, and its a good thing for all of us to do. Dealing with death is hard enough, sudden or not. Having things already in the right spot is the nicest thing you can do for your family.
What you should have put in a binder
Your will - with executor selected and beneficiaries listed
Social Insurance Numbers
copies of birth certificates
RRSP, RESP, investment information
Life, home, car, medical and dental insurance
pension information
medical and dental providers
credit card information
line of credit
bank accounts
bills... Eastlink, Fuel, Mortgage, Car payments, phone service etc
Car registration copy
car bill of sale
Samples of Monthly bills
samples of monthly payments
Saving Bonds
Work phone numbers and contact names.
Information on your wishes upon death (bury or cremate)
Donor card or not
Thanks to Don Rawding for this information (via Linda). I have started a new will and have talked to my kids about what they want, etc. They laugh it off, but I have a renewed drive to write things down. If I make my kids lives easier at the time of my death, I will thank my dad for inspiration and Pudgy for the kick in the pants to actually get it done!
Friday, March 27, 2009
The real thing...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ladybug peek a boo

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
International Shopping, right here at Sobeys

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We went off to the second Frenchies in Digby and then down the road to Weymouth to "Jackies" which Heather had never been too. The second Frenchies in Digby was more junk bins than clothes and we found nothing worth sorting through but Jackies was a great discovery and we sorted through the smaller but fuller bins and we both came away with another bag full.
I spent $60 for the day(not including lunch) and came away with lots of good finds. I tend to buy things though at Frenchies that I end up never wearing, so I was very careful today to only take home things that I will wear.
Some of my finds... grey dresspants, brown capris, black jogging pants, 5 sleeveless collared shirts for the summer, 2 collared golf shirts (with sleeves) a winter sweater, a pink tee shirt, 2 long sleeved winter shirts, Red fleece jacket and a white blouse. Some brand names I found was Dressbarn, American Eagle, Jones of New York, Gap, Old Navy, Eddie Bauer and others that I have never heard of.
We got home at 5:30 and I was exhausted. I do think I am battling something like a cold or flu, as I have been tired for over a week. But I think the combination of 3 hours in the car, 3 hours of sorting clothes and a "way too big Meal", did me in, and I fell asleep before House was over and I didn't get to see the end.... Is it true... did the cat predict her death right?
Monday, March 16, 2009
Its March Break

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mollie's Limp

Thankfully, after a month of this magic powder, she seemed to be less stiff and jumped up on her window bench with ease, and she sprinted easily across the yard to catch a ball, or chance a critter. But alas, her limp continued, and if she walked for any more than 5 minutes, she limped worse. The next big challenge for Mollie was that we needed to get some weight off her, and maybe that would help the limp.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I learned about this really cool idea last week on the Uncluttered website (you will find in my favorite blogs list). I actually forget what the article was about , but it lead to a link to a website called Yoga Download.com that will allow you to download for free, these 20 minute Yoga workouts for your iPod. Also, there is a Pdf document that you download at the same time that you can follow while your listening to the instruction guide you through these workouts. Very cool stuff and I have downloaded two of them. One looks a bit too hard for me, quite yet, but the other is very cool and I will try it tomorrow morning.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hamburger, anyone?

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Some little tidbits of what we had to do to make the invites!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Let the work begin!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Getting ready
Happy 22nd Birthday Ashley!