Well, I am learning all about the Webkinz craze that has been around for a few years now. When my kids were little it was beanie babies and it was crazy then, but with Webkinz, it seems so much bigger and more expensive!!
As a little thank you gift for the kids who were flower girls and ring bearers, Michelle and Scott gave each child a webkinz.

My wedding helpers (Aubrey and Caleigh) chose them, and gift wrapped them for Michelle so on the evening of the reception, she simply had to hand them out.
Well, go figure, out of 7 kids and 7 different webkinz, one of the kids got a double of something they already had. We didn't know about it right away, but soon after, and we promised to solve that as soon as possible.

Caitlyn was a real trooper about it, but I know how disappointing it must have been when all the other kids got these new treasures and she got a double (and actually, it was a triple).
Once all the dust settled from the wedding, I contacted my sister (her grammie) and asked what she would like to have.
After a day on the website she made her choices...
Her first choice... the Guinea Pig.... 2nd choice... The Skunk... 3rd choice... the spotted Dinosaur..
Piece of Cake... how hard can that be. Off I went to the Mall where we got the original bunch of Webkinz. They had a wall of them... like 200.... geesh... none of her three.... I walked the entire Mall for more... and.. oh.. apparently.. only a select few stores are allowed to sell them... GEEEEEESHHHHH.....

Where do I find out how to find the stores that carry these little prizes... FACEBOOK... and my friends. I put the question out there and bang... within minutes I had 6 locations, all within a half an hour of here...
Today... my shopping day out..I started off at Balloon Boutique at 9:30... ok.. NOT OPEN UNTIL 10AM..... geesh.. off I went to coffee break with the staff for a couple of hours and then to Balloon Boutique... NONE of my chosen 3.....
Cinnamon Creek... Middleton... NONE ... well, tons... just not any of

the three... geeeeeshhh..
Home I go and start phoning... the drug store in Aylesford... has a skunk... her number 2 choice... another store had the spotted dinosaur.. no Guinea Pig to be found.
Now, I am under a little time restriction because I need to put it on the bus today.. so it arrives in Fredericton by Thursday.. because Gail has Caitlyn all to herself on Thursday and it will be a special trip to the bus station to get it...
Piece of cake.... after supper I devise a plan for my evening. Head out and hit the drug store at exit 16... buy the skunk.. and drive on to Berwick...exit 15 to fill a "bus bag" with some forgotten items, some picture CD's and a few little treats.. and skunky poo... then on further down the highway to exit 14 to go to the hospital to visit my friend who is on the mend after suffering a blood infection... piece of cake.
Music blaring in my car.. I head out.. with all my goods... and armed with a toonie for the stupid parking at the hospital. Get to the drug store... reach for my wallet.... no wallet. ARRRRGGH!
I can't believe it, but yet.. I know exactly where I sat it down after checking for the toonie... and curse myself for not putting it right back in my purse... I drive the 15 minutes home, retrieve my wallet and call the hospital to see when visiting hours are over.. and realize, I won't make if for any more than a 15 minute visit before the 8pm limit. I gave up on the visit, and called my friend and we chatted on the phone until 8pm instead and then I hit the road for the drug store... purse with wallet in hand. Bought the skunk, drove to the Petro Canada in Berwick where the bus station is, and ask for a bus bag.... she hasn't got any.. and has no idea what they are... she is a "trainee"... arrrrrgh.. I tell her what they look like, and ask... to really look hard because I NEED one... she calls her boss... (eyes rolling, I might add) and explains that there is a customer here asking for some sort of bag ...... and then she blankly stares, says.. "I don't know, she standing right here".......... she then opens the bus drawer and lo and behold... a BUS BAG!!!!! She says oh, its and "Express bag".. frig..
Anyway, I take it out to my car, address it, and stuff it with all kinds of goodies... and bring it back in. She says to me... "am I suppose to charge you for this?" What a hoot!. I point to the bill of lading, and show her how to fill it out.. and tear off hers and my copies, stick it on the bag and then I pay her!!!!!
So..... Caitlyn... little stinky Skunk is on the way to you and you will have her on Thursday... and I now have a deeper understanding of the science of Webkinz!!