Here's the story, or as close to the story as I can remember.....
Kelly and James spend little spurts of time on their deck outside, every night. On one particular night, James was out there, and he hear a strange sound coming from close by and couldn't quite identify it. He chalked it up to the remarkable about of wildlife they experience in there yard even though they are in the heart of Ottawa and have a completely fenced back yard. Not wanting to disturb the invasion (cause who knows when skunk might pop onto the deck), James went in and didn't give it another though.
The next afternoon, after Kelly and the kids got back from work and school, Kelly was puttering around on her deck when she heard the same sound. Now hearing such a sound in the daylight has a whole different effect than at night, and Kelly was instantly curious as to what it was. She and the girls started to investigate when.... under the deck they could barely see a little black ball of noise and panic all pressed up against the wall of the house. They knew it was a very young animal and they waited cautiously for a mother to arrive. Now the wait was awful, especially when you hear the heart wrenching cries of a scared little critter and since there was no way Kelly or the girls were going to crawl under the 6 inch crawlspace under the deck to get what ever it was..... they did the only thing they could...
The next afternoon, after Kelly and the kids got back from work and school, Kelly was puttering around on her deck when she heard the same sound. Now hearing such a sound in the daylight has a whole different effect than at night, and Kelly was instantly curious as to what it was. She and the girls started to investigate when.... under the deck they could barely see a little black ball of noise and panic all pressed up against the wall of the house. They knew it was a very young animal and they waited cautiously for a mother to arrive. Now the wait was awful, especially when you hear the heart wrenching cries of a scared little critter and since there was no way Kelly or the girls were going to crawl under the 6 inch crawlspace under the deck to get what ever it was..... they did the only thing they could...

After careful examination, they determined they found themselves a little kitten and it was no more then 5 days old. Eyes still closed, and hunger as bear! How do you feed a 5 day old kitten...

The kids were thrilled to have this little bundle to care for, but Kelly and James were so afraid for its survival. But within a few hours they felt there was nothing they could do but try there hardest to help this little guy survive. So, off to the vet for formula (at $8 a box) and the smallest little bottle and the every 4 hour feedings began.

They weren't sure if they had a male kitten (which would be named DEXTER, since they had to saw out part of the deck to get him) or PIXIE.... probably because of her razor sharp pixie claws!

But after a few days of 4 hour feedings, lots of hugs and cuddles, they brought the little

She is now a month old, and is starting to change colors, as she matures. They are trying her on very diluted cat mush, but so far she isn't biting. She loves her little bottle and isn't too thrilled with solid food.
The dilemma..... the whole family is hopping on a train ride adventure this Friday to come East to my place (and other family members) and they have to leave little Pixie behind... To the rescue... gramma Marie and Papa Frank... Marie is like a "Cat Whisperer" and although she has 3 cats of her own now, she will be the best gramma to little Pixie while they are away. I am just hopeful she will be willing to give Pixie back to them, when the gang goes back to Ottawa the following weekend!
these last few pictures are the most recent, and Little Miss Pixie is doing great. She is playful and adventurous and she is still so small, they keep her in a box for her own safety. She is taken out when the kids or mom and dad are with her, but when she is sleeping she is kept in a box. Well, the newest news is, the little 8 ounce bundle can now scale her way out of the box!!!